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墙上都是污渍。The walls are grimy.

两条狗看起来很肮脏。Both dogs looked grimy.

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两只狗都脏兮兮的,特别是那只灰白色斑点狗好像还受伤了,不能移动。Both dogs looked grimy. The second dog didn't seem to move.

我能感到自己的脏脸咧出怀疑的笑容。I could feel my grimy face cracking into an incredulous smile.

虽然这一招不怎么光明正大,但有时你要达到目的就得不择手段。It’s a grimy move, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

小个子男人脏乎乎的短裤口袋里鼓鼓的,伸出来个什么东西。Something was sticking from the pocket of the little man's grimy shorts.

薄薄的电话薄让油污的手指翻得黑不溜秋。The thin phone book was grimy from being thumbed by filling station hands.

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墙壁的漆已经剥落,并且很脏,显露出十多年这里的艰苦环境。The walls, grimy with sections of peeling paint, revealed decades of hard living.

他用从面粉袋子上剪下来的花布做成窗帘,换下了原来挂在肮脏不堪的窗户上的粗麻布口袋。Floral cloth from flour sacks replaced the burlap-bag curtains covering the grimy window.

他们仍然披着隐形衣,悄悄走到满是污垢的窗前向下张望。Still wearing the Invisibility Cloak, they crept toward the grimy window and looked down.

污秽的车窗布满了雾气,使外面的景色模糊不清,洗手间更是飘来了小便后的恶臭。Grimy windows soured the world outside with their own fog, and a stench of urine rose from the washrooms.

最近卢萨卡的脏兮兮的路边市场-索维托市场迎来了一群中国商人,他们把鸡价格压到一半。The recent arrival of Chinese traders in the grimy alleys of Soweto market in Lusaka halved the cost of chicken.

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矿工结束了值班之后从阴暗的洞里出来,返回地面,重见天日。A worker's shift is finished and the miners emerge from their grimy hole into the daylight and life above ground.

提布斯启发说,想象一下,我们推动肮脏的普通工业生产方式向具有生物特性的加工方式转化。Imagine, Tibbs suggests, that we push grimy workaday industrial processes toward the character of biological processes.

对于一个直到数月前还在引进波兰工人干脏活的国家来说,这是一种令人屈辱的倒退。It is a humiliating climbdown for a country that, until a few months ago, imported Polish workers to do its grimy jobs.

接着,史蒂文挖出了小鸟那颗仍在跳动的心脏,我们可以看到那颗心脏在他只脏手上猛烈地抽动着,他把那颗心脏放在我的手心,我感觉到那颗心仍在跳动,并且逐渐慢了下来,我又把它放到了哥哥的手中,在那里抽动了一两下,就停止了心跳。We could see it pumping furiously in his grimy hand. He then put the heart in my hand where I felt it beating and slowing.

偶尔,他会入住五星级饭店,但另一个晚上,如果奖金减少时,就住在肮脏的火车旅馆。Occasionally, he slept in five-star hotels, but other nights, when his prize winnings thinned, he crashed in grimy train stations.

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这一次Crytek仍没有采用射击游戏中典型的污秽的下水道或是乏味的办公大楼,而是设在了丛林岛屿中。Once again Crytek has shunned the usual grimy sewers and sterile office buildings typical of shooter games for a jungle island setting.

读到那条令人伤心的新闻时,我回想起这头“自由之狮”坐在他的办公桌后面,而Splash则在房间的拐角对着一个脏兮兮的网球流口水的情景。Reading that sad news, I remembered the “liberal lion” sitting at his desk while Splash slobbered away on a grimy tennis ball in the corner.

望着褪色的油漆、破破烂烂的门庭和落着墙皮的肮脏墙壁,人们不禁要问,这是久闻其名的辉煌灿烂的威尼斯吗?。We gaze at the faded paint and the rotting doorways and the cracked plaster and the grimy walls. Is this the glorious Venice we've heard about?