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他们更加短视。They are more shortsighted.

这样的心态源于缺乏远见的恐惧。That mentality is born of shortsighted fear.

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近视眼的人看东西通常眯着眼。Shortsighted people usually squint at things.

最明智的选择就是着重于眼前。The wisest choice is to be intentionally shortsighted.

这个目光短浅的政策会降低大学水平的。This shortsighted policy will level down university standards.

近视眼的人要戴眼镜,远视眼的人也要戴。Shortsighted people have to wear glasses, as do longsighted people.

这样的教育的最终目标就是教会我们怎样去鼠目寸光。This kind of education is the ultimate goal to teach us how shortsighted.

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对于这样的负面的反馈,玛利亚,艾琳娜认为是那些专家目光短浅。By now accustomed to negative responses, Maria Elena felt the experts were shortsighted.

电脑使用适度,保护视力,预防青少年近视眼。Use computer properly, protect your eyesight and keep youngsters from being shortsighted.

我们认为其不应该发生,是因为我们本性中对坏运气的短视。We don't think it should happen because of our built-in shortsighted outlook on bad luck.

那么,美国处理经济问题为什么如此目光短浅又手忙脚乱呢?So why are we tackling our economic problems in a manner that is shortsighted and wrong-footed?

卡梅伦拒绝全力推进此事是让人难以置信的懦弱和短视。Mr Cameron’s refusal to push ahead with this forcefully is incredibly cowardly and shortsighted.

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那些贪婪,鼠目寸光,有些甚至是纯粹的大骗子的所有人都要在这个时候受到惩罚。But because the greedy, shortsighted and, in some cases, downright crooked people must be punished this time.

而那些仍对煤炭和化石燃料所造就的工作岗位念念不忘的人们是极为短视的。Those who argue that we should continue to use coal and fossil fuels for the jobs they create are shortsighted.

但是,假如美国父母这样做,就会被视为目光短浅,而且会冒犯孩子的尊严。But if American parents did this, it would be seen as shortsighted and an affront to the dignity of their children.

战斗飞行员没有近视,不过他们丢炸弹的准头却像有弱视。Air force pilots are not shortsighted , but they always drop the bombs at the wrong place as if they needed glasses.

另一部分要归罪于我们通过浪费、污染短视地消耗了有限的水资源。In part, it's a result of our own shortsighted depletion of our limited water resources through waste and pollution.

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如果他们看起来都能像一个幸福的大家庭一样,那就似乎更好,而那些短视的市场生意人也将喜之不禁。If they can all look like a happy family, it will seem even better, and the shortsighted market traders will love it.

他们目光如豆,以他们有限的经验学识,面对广漠的宇宙天际时,就完全迷惑而不知所措矣!Shortsighted , they are confused and at a loss when they use limited knowledge and experience to confront vast cosmos.

使用后,装有近视镜片的橡胶圈镜框可随时从太阳镜上取下。The rubber ring glasses frame with the shortsighted lenses can be taken down from the sunglasses at any time after being used.