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劳工罢工和抗议最严重的事件发生芝加哥的干草市场广场。The most serious incident took place in Chicago's Haymarket Square.

的干草市场事件是地球源周围愤怒的市民。The Haymarket incident was a source of outrage from people around the globe.

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列宁格勒秣市场上出售的小馅饼,就是以碎人肉作馅。Patties made from minced human flesh were on sale at the Leningrad Haymarket.

穿过秣市和威斯敏斯特时,请多告诉我一些关于中国的事情。Tell me more about China while we're moving through the Haymarket and Westminster.

在干草市场广场暴力放慢了在美国有组织的劳工多年的增长。The Haymarket Square violence slowed the growth of organized labor in the United States for many years.

不久后,在干草市场检查模式和马术骑士标志出现在他们的许多物品。Soon following, the haymarket check pattern and the equestrian knight logo appeared on many of their items.

这一天得到很少注意在美国,但它突出的是要记住常用的干草市场暴动的1886年五月四日在芝加哥。This day gets scant attention in the US, but where it's prominent it's commonly to remember the Haymarket Riot of May 4, 1886 in Chicago.

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1888年,博柏利创作出了世界知名的斜纹防水布料,1891年,在伦敦时尚的甘草市场开了自己的第一家店。He invented the world-famous water-resistant fabric gabardine in 1888 and opened his first store in London's fashionable Haymarket in 1891.

劳工罢工和抗议最严重的事件发生芝加哥的干草市场广场。The most serious incident took place in Chicago's Haymarket Square. More than one thousand union supporters went to a meeting there organized by an extremist.

福特谢里登是创造出来的公民权利和劳工动乱之后,1871年芝加哥大火,伟大的铁路工人罢工的1877年和1886年的干草市场暴动。Fort Sheridan was created out of the civil and labor unrest following the Chicago Fire of 1871, the great Railway Strike of 1877, and the Haymarket Riot of 1886.

搅拌的工会,就证明了这事件,如干草市场暴乱的1886年,也清楚表明,美国资本主义将受到限制。The agitation of labor unions, as evidenced in events such as the Haymarket Riot of 1886, also made it clear that American capitalism would be subject to limits.

愚人节呼唤大量的幽默礼物,五一节需要一个礼物来庆祝,也许是为春天,或者是庆祝Haymarke起义,这要看你的政治倾向了。April Fool’s Day calls for a round of humorous gifts, and May Day for a gift celebrating either spring or the Haymarket riot, depending on your political proclivities.

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他最后的一位东家是年轻的国会议员浪斯费瑞爵士。这位爵士老爷晚上经常光顾海依市场的牡蛎酒吧,往往叫警察把他给背回来。His last master, young Lord Longferry, Member of Parliament, after passing his nights in the Haymarket taverns , was too often brought home in the morning on policemen's shoulders.

干草市场广场的暴力事件阻碍了多年美国工会组织的发展,而美国工会曾经是美国社会中一股强大的力量。The Haymarket Square violence slowed the growth of organized labor in the United States for many years. It would be some time before labor became a powerful force in national events.

解决所有通信武士劳动出版公司163华盛顿街,伊利诺斯州芝加哥市“后来这个杂志和报纸出版了自传报警的干草市场男子。Adress all communications to Knights of Labor Publishing Company, 163 Washington St. , Chicago, Ill. " Later this journal and the paper Alarm published the autobiographies of the Haymarket men."