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他匆匆记下了那些注解。He dotted down those notes.

请在点线上方签名。Please sign on the dotted line.

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他在地图上划了一条横虚线。He dotted a line across the map.

平静的海上点缀着一只只双桅横帆船。The calm sea was dotted with brigs.

平静的海上点缀著一只只双桅横帆船。The calm sea was dotted with brigs.

这张画全由小点构成。The picture was entirely dotted in.

草坪上四处散置着木材。The lawn was dotted over with timber.

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为什么有些地图有虚线边界?Why do some maps have dotted borders?

通过拖动可添加可调节的点式线。Drag to add an adjustable dotted line.

古庙、亭台点缀其间。Temple, pavilions dotted the meantime.

带点的字都是语素。All the dotted characters are morphemes.

鸾鸟中间点缀着银色的花枝。Argent flowers were dotted among phoenixes.

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他用颜料在油画布上点了许多小点。Blobs of paint were dotted around the canvas.

佝偻的金属桌子散布在有树的广场。Rickety metal tables dotted the treed square.

星星懒懒散散的点缀着广阔的天空。Stars idling about the dotted with broad sky.

所以功率也是,散布在速率上的力。So power is also force dotted with the velocity.

取得或设定识别项的易记名称。Gets or sets the dotted number of the identifier.

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田野里零零落落有几头牛。There were a few cows dotted around in the field.

就在虚线上签字吧,这样我们就办妥了。Just put your name on the dotted line and we'll be set.

营火象红色的、别致的花朵点缀着黑夜。Campfires, like red peculiar blossoms, dotted the night.