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我需要帮助。I need help.

我需要帮助。I needed help.

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上帝佑护印度!God help India!

而A21刚好可以用。A21 should help.

您能帮帮我们吗?Can you help us?

我有人帮忙的。I had some help.

我需要你的帮助。I need you help.

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我要你的帮忙。I want your help.

我的妈呀,救命啊。My mama ah, help.

那好吧,我协助你。Well, I help you.

那就先帮助别人。Help others first.

我们需要你的帮助。We need your help.

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您能不能救救我?Won't You help me?

你抱病,我帮助?You sick, me help?

你生病,我襄理?You sick- me help?

好,那就能帮到我。Good, that'll help.

帮,你叫我怎么帮?How ean I help you?

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我不禁喜笑颜开。I can not help but.

我试着帮助他们。I try to help them.

我想帮帮你。I want to help you.