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一些被称作倒转的购买合同的业务操作。Those operations are called reverse repurchase agreements.

而零息回购转债的发行便可以有效地解决这一问题。Zero coupon repurchase convertible bond can resolve the question.

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我国股份回购有着特殊的使命——减持国有股。Stock repurchase in china has a special mission-to lessen state-owned stocks.

所以你不必在意信上怎么写,不管它说是分红还是股票回购So, you don't care what the letter says-- whether it says dividend or stock repurchase.

股票回购计划立即生效,并将于2014年中期完成。The repurchase program goes into effect immediately, and is to be completed by mid-2014.

同期的逆回购利率下调了2.0个百分点。The reverse repurchase rate has been lowered by 2.0 percentage points over the same period.

你应该避免分配股利,因此改为股票回购So, you would avoid paying dividends and, therefore, switch to share repurchase as your method.

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基于回购比率,一年的利率交易从3个基准点攀升到了3.12%。One-year interest-rate swaps based on the repurchase rate climbed three basis points to 3.12 percent.

—可赎回债券赋予公司一项权利,可以从持有者手中以特定的赎回价格回购债券。Callable bonds give the firm the option to repurchase the bond from the holder at a stipulated call price.

具体来说,是通过购回本公司一定数额的已发行在外股票来实现股份的回购。Concretely, how to achieve the share repurchase is by repurchasing amount of own company"s emitted stock."

债券之发行、期满、买回或有依规定核给股份之情事者。The issuance, maturity, or repurchase of bonds, or the allotment of shares in accordance with regulations.

发现一般利率水平无论是对回购利率互换价差,还是对SHIBOR利率互换价差都有着显著的影响。The results showed that the interest level impacted on both repurchase swap spread and SHIBOR swap spread.

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这表示公司可能在操控盈馀失败之后,转而利用宣告买回库藏股来做为操控股价的另一种手段。Repurchase firms with high discretionary accruals tend to announce repurchases to boost up the stock prices.

有人认为,它只不过是花旗的临时性合作伙伴,花旗有权优先重购IBM股份。It is seen as a temporary partnerCitigroup is thought to have the first right of repurchase for IBM's shares.

所以某种意义上,对股东来说是一样的,不管是支付股利还是回购股票So in a sense, it's all the same to me as a shareholder whether they pay dividends or they repurchase shares.

在交易完成之前,英迈将暂停其季度股息的支付和股票回购计划。Ingram will suspend its quarterly dividend payment and its share repurchase program until the deal is complete.

如傅盛先生违反相关约定,公司有权以1元回购其股权。Fu Sheng in violation of the relevant agreement, the company has the right to repurchase their shares of 1 yuan.

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如果您满意该售货员的特质,您会再次光顾该内衣店。If you are satisfied with the attributes of salesperson, you will repurchase from that particular intimate store.

股票回购中,若他们购回所有人的股份,相同份额比,那就不会影响比例In a stock repurchase, if they repurchase everybody's shares-- the same proportion--it doesn't affect that ratio.

自豪感的作用和在再买意图的自我调整的目标是消费者满意程度的独立。The effects of pride and self-regulatory goals on repurchase intentions are independent of consumer satisfaction.