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我们会住在布鲁克林最郊的地方的一栋用赤褐色砂石造的豪华别墅里。We’d live in a brownstone in the furthest reaches of Brooklyn.

这亦是导致创造了“布朗斯通伙伴。”It is also what led to the creation of the "Brownstone Buddies."

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在一座破败的褐砂石房子的右侧,矗立着一棵枯树。A dead tree stands to the right of a tumbledown brownstone house.

在“布朗斯通友”被选为一间两百多个玩具决赛。The "Brownstone Buddies" were chosen as a finalist among more than two hundred toys.

在布鲁克林街的老房子在上流人抬起头,看到了“一个闪电大螺栓。”On a street of old brownstone houses in Brooklyn a man looked up and saw "a large bolt of lightning."

一家公司通过一系列庆祝布娃娃线,多样性称为布朗斯伙伴。One company is celebrating that diversity through a line of cloth dolls called the Brownstone Buddies.

他被送到了斯蒂芬妮·拉法基那里抚养,是在纽约上西城的一栋漂亮的房子里。He was given to Stephanie LaFarge, to be brought up a nice brownstone on the Upper West Side of New York.

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刘栋梁与娜拉结下百年之好,他很快地融入了上流社会。Liu ridgepole Liang Yuna helps a tie of below hundred years good, he was blended in immediately brownstone.

我们原来住在纽约市曼哈顿一幢好像是位于130号街的三层的赤褐色砂石建筑里,我的好多亲戚都住在那。We lived in NYC in Manhattan on 130 something street, in a three-story brownstone that housed many of my relatives.

无论是鞋、包还是服装,都以“身份与财富之象征”品牌形象成为富有的上流社会的消费宠儿。Whether shoes, clothing, or to ldquo &, Of the identity and fortune indicative "brand image makes rich brownstone consumption favorite."

来自皇后区的几个人,跑到黑人区,把一家经营不善的旅馆转变成不良青年旅社,以达到收支相抵。Friends from Queens decide to move into a run down Harlem brownstone ultimately converting it into an illegal youth hostel in order to make ends meet.

他不禁叫道,目光凝固在一方镶在廉租屋上的褐砂石饰板中雕着的亚伯拉罕·林肯上,那石板曾经是雕塑园里的中心展览品。“Good grief!” he cried at the sight of a carved brownstone tenement plaque of Abraham Lincoln, which had once been a centerpiece in the sculpture garden.

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虽然布吕耶尔街上那褐色的斯巴达克式石屋已经见证了无数的苦难,但塞拉斯却觉得他现在的痛苦才是世间最难堪的。我被骗了。Although the spartan room in the brownstone on Rue La Bruyère had witnessed a lot of suffering, Silas doubted anything could match the anguish now gripping his pale body.

冬季的D&G在摩登中融入复古与宫庭元素,将奢华演绎到极致,充分展示上流社会的贵族生活。Hiemal D&G is blended in in fashionable restore ancient ways with element of palace front courtyard, will costly deduce acme, show brownstone aristocratic life adequately.

当你接近,独特签名布朗斯通样式镇-家园路一级加强富裕和亲密邻里气氛高大的棕榈摇曳的阴影。As you approach, the distinctive signature brownstone style town-homes at road level are shaded by tall palm groves enhancing the affluent and intimate neighborhood ambiance.

当你接近,独特签名布朗斯通样式镇-家园街道一级是遮阴的高大的棕榈木偶加强富裕和亲密的社区氛围。As you approach, the distinctive signature brownstone style town-homes at street level are shaded by tall palm groves enhancing the affluent and intimate neighborhood ambiance.

Naylor生活在布鲁克林一个安静街到,住在一个有很多精美木雕和有品位的室内装饰的富丽堂皇的赤褐色砂岩的建筑内,并且有一个成功的文学生涯。Naylor lives on a quiet street in Brooklyn in a majestic brownstone with an interior featuring intricate woodwork and tasteful decorations that attest to a successful literary career.

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尼姆离开了上西城的一个波希米亚人家庭豪宅,来到了哥伦比亚大学在布朗克斯区弗代尔社区的一栋大别墅里,在那里他继续接受手语教育。Nim went from a nice big bohemian, Upper West Side brownstone to a huge mansion in Riverdale that Columbia University owned in the Bronx, where he continues to be taught to use sign language.