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国家也采取很多强制性措施在一定的地区禁止使用粘土砖。Our government has utilized many compellent measures to forbid the use of clay.

最大的疑问是二者都未从地质上提出令人信服的解释。The most important doubt is that neither theory provides the compellent geological explanation.

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按照法律效力和内容,我国强制性标准就是技术法规。According to legal effect and content, our compellent technical standards should be one of technique regulations.

与威慑性威胁相比,强迫行为更直接地涉及受压国的威望和情感。In contrast to deterrent threats, Compellent actions more directly engage the prestige and the passions of the put-upon state.

在沦陷区和国统区,因战争的破坏和强制的经济统制,市场严重衰败。In occupied regions and Guotong areas, the market had downfall seriously because of the destruction by war and compellent economic control.

Compellent公司提供的存储的解决方案是在读取数据时能够将数据以块的形式移动到不同类型的存储上。Companies like Compellent offer storage solutions that are capable of moving data at a block level to different classes of storage as the data ages.

科学而详尽的股权价值分析才是得出令人信服的评估结果,从而为投资决策提供依据的最好方法。Only could the valuation based scientific and detailed value analysis produce compellent valuation results, which is useful for investment decisions.

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虽然在理论上股票期权具有很强的激励作用,但是至今没有令人信服的实证结果说明股票期权制度对企业绩效的促进效果。Although stock option has strong incentive effects in theory, there is no compellent evidence of stock option system's positive effects on firm's performance.

但在我国实际的工程建设过程中,环境质量评价工作非常难于开展,其中一个重要原因就是部门之间存在着严重的“信息孤岛”现象。And because of the global Environmental degradation, environmental assessment as a compellent national policy is applied to more and more large-scale projects.

要将防御和强迫行为以及威慑和虚张声势行为区分开来特别困难,除非我们知道采取行动的原因。It is especially difficult to distinguish defensive from compellent actions and deterrent from swaggering ones unless we know the reasons for which they were undertaken.

随着加入WTO,中国统一了众多行业的产品许可证认证制度,为此而实施强制性的CCC安全认证。With China joining WTO, many methods for checking license to product is unified to CCC. The CCC is compellent authentication to prove ability of manufacture for the product.

自动精简配置是由Compellent公司和惠普公司引入的革命性技术,大多数存储厂商也因应市场的要求做了某种形式的自动精简配置。Thin provisioning was revolutionized by companies like Compellent and HP, and most storage manufacturers have jumped into the market claiming to do some form of thin provisioning.

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虚拟加工工艺是利用计算机产生三维图形的动态生长来模拟实际的加工过程,而如何生成真实自然的三维图形就成了关键所在。Virtual Process could simulate the actual process using 3D-geometric's dynamic growth generated by computer, however the key is how to generate compellent and natural 3D-geometric.

近四十年来,考古学和地学工作者虽然从化石、古生物、地层等多方面的研究,但仍未得出令人信服的可靠结论。About the last forty years, the archaeologists and the geologists studied them about fossils, paleontology and stratigraphy, but they could not draw the compellent conclusions until now.

剩余电流保护器作为一种用电安全的有效措施,国家对此已有强制性要求。Residual current protective device as an effective measure of safety of power supply, therefore, government have compellent require for electro-equipments RCD must be installed in many occasions.