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他开始用曲柄启动动发机。He started to crank the engine.

当时我认为他是个怪老头。Back then, I thought he was a crank.

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详细推导了。I'm not going to turn the crank here.

他曾一度被人称为空想家,怪人。He’s been called a dreamer and a crank.

这根曲轴的作用是使轮子转动。The action of the crank turns the wheel.

使用右摇杆开拍一个效果。Use the right stick to crank up an effect.

好,让我们开始数学推导。OK, let's just turn the crank on the maths.

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词缀使用其中的一个曲柄臂固定螺栓。Affix using one of the crank arm fixing bolts.

自行车的踏板与曲柄相连。The pedals of a cycle are attached to a crank.

早期的机器是靠一支把手操作。Old-style ones were operated with a hand crank.

然后开始代数变换。And then starting to turn the crank on the algebra.

游戏结束了,哥们,挂断它就像是接到奇怪的电话。Game's up. homie, hang it up like some crank calls.

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直到我怀上了孩子,我还认为尼科拉是个怪人。And until I got pregnant I thought Nicola was a crank.

有了一个新想法的人只是个怪人,除非这个想法成功了。A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.

而且,当我扮演上帝时,我能加快全局突变率。And, when I play god I can crank up the global mutation rate.

独特的料斗开合摇手机构设计,料斗打开、关闭更安全方便。Crank handle for safely and easily opening or closing hopper.

依轿厢所需上下方向转动盘车手轮。Turn winding crank for required direction of movement of car.

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这时,有人过来告诉您如何正确使用电锯。Then, someone comes by and shows you how to crank the chainsaw.

把钥匙插在点火装置上,开动引擎。You slip the key into the ignition and crank the engine to life.

这跟曲柄被撞离中心扯不上关系。And the crank being knocked off center doesn't make sense either.