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将六个鸡蛋分开。Separate six eggs.

分离还是合好?Separate or united?

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将其另存为一个单独的JPG文件。Save it as a separate JPG.

独立的浴缸和淋浴。Separate Bath with shower.

你想分付账吗?Do you want to separate it?

是合单还是分开来计呢?One bill or separate bills?

那是一道单独的题目That's a separate exercise.

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这是三组分开的人。You've got separate people.

我必须有个单独覃辉房间。I must h. e a separate room.

分离出。p So, we can separate out p.

得把这齿根分开。I have to separate the roots.

那些燕麦已打掉谷壳。To separate grain from chaff.

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浴室配有独立淋浴间。Bathroom with separate shower.

你们要不要分开分账?Do you want to separate check?

人把它们放正在不同的白件夹里。I put them in separate folders.

用剪刀剪开纸币。Use scissors to separate notes.

每军种独立展开自己的战争。Each waged its own separate war.

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分开行2个会不会好一点?。Yup. 2 separate loops is better.

然后他们就分道扬镳了。Then they go their separate ways.

使用连字符-分隔关键字Use hyphens to separate keywords.