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而是被动地知道的。I know it negatively.

这对你们双方都有负面影响。This affects both of you negatively.

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在化学吸附过程中,氢原子被带上负电。H atom is charged negatively in chemisorption.

关闭眼睛和摇头不利。Avdeev closed his eyes and shook his head negatively.

溶液的搅拌会使溶液电位负移。Stiring makes the solution potential move negatively.

从右流向左的,当作负值来算。While what flows right to left is counted negatively.

这时,橡胶棒和木髓球两者都带负电荷。Both the rubber and the pith ball are negatively charged.

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NA分子上有很多带负电荷的磷酸根It's loaded with phosphates which are negatively charged.

病毒在它的等电离点以上时带负电荷。A virus is negatively charged above its isoelectric point.

血瘦素水平与ISI值呈显著负相关。The plasma leptin level was negatively correlated with ISI.

不要掩饰你的感受,不管事积极的还是消极的。Don’t cover up how you feel, either positively or negatively

细胞膜此时比静息状态带负电减少It's less negatively charged than it is in its resting state.

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约翰夫人把男女演员数落了一番。Mrs. John remarked negatively about the actors and actresses.

它对进化的收敛既有积极作用,也有消极作用。Intron gives impact on evolution both positively and negatively.

创伤后应激障碍症状与生活质量呈负相关。Post-traumatic stress symptom was negatively correlated with QOL.

如果你错误的人交往,那么他们会从负面影响你。If you hang with the wrong people, they will affect you negatively.

如果你情绪低落,这很可能会对你周围的人产生负面影响。If you’re down you’re likely to negatively impact those around you.

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林木在竞争中占据优势,形成林木对农作物的胁地负效应。Tree is predominant in competition and will affect crops negatively.

这种对于父母的不孝态度和不健康的消费习惯对于学生们有很大的负面影响。This ingrate attitude and the unhealthy consumption negatively impact.

相关分析示PCOS组的血皮质醇与BMI、WHR呈负相关。BMI and WHR were negatively correlated with serum cortisol in PCOS group.