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游牧区多为游动式。For more nomadic area of swimming.

他们很久以前就放弃了他们的游牧生活。They long ago forsook their nomadic life.

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蒙古包分固定式和游动式两种。Sub-fixed and nomadic yurt-style two kinds.

对于这些游牧部落来说,生活是很艰难的。Life is also not easy for the nomadic shepherds.

我有许多朋友是蒙族的。Since ancient times, Mongolian have been nomadic.

一个撒哈拉沙漠游牧的柏柏尔民族成员。A member of a nomadic Berber people of the Sahara.

而阿富汗的游牧人口则住在帐篷里。The nomadic population of Afghanistan lives in tents.

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在前额佩戴这些风格的发带,会让你看起来像一个游牧民族的公主。Wear these on your forehead for a nomadic princess look.

北美平原上的印地安人大多居无定所。Most of Indians of the North American plains are nomadic.

他私奔标志着游牧民族的生活方式。His elopement marked the beginning of a nomadic lifestyle.

在这些游牧文化,妇女通常是织工。In these nomadic cultures, women were usually the weavers.

贝督因为沙漠游牧部落,其部民强悍桀骜。A nomadic desert people, Bedouin are hardy but unruly troops.

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北美平原上的印地安人大多居无定所。Most of the Indians of the North American plains are nomadic.

我们从不像克尔克孜人一样游牧,我们也不住在蒙古包里。We were never nomadic like the Kyrgyz. We never lived in yurts.

几个世纪以来,这种每年两次的艰苦跋涉形成了这里的游牧生活。The twice-yearly trek has shaped nomadic life here for centuries.

匈奴社会实质上是游牧宗法奴隶制社会。The Huns society is a nomadic patriarchal slave society in essence.

他们最初信奉萨满教,过着游牧生活。In the beginning, they believed in Tengri Shamanism and were nomadic.

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怎么才能让居住如此分散的游牧人都能接受教育?So how can we let live nomadic people scattered acceptable education?

现今偈人住在河沿岸的一些小村庄,已经不再游牧。Today the Ket live in small, riverside villages and are no longer nomadic.

草原上的一支游牧民族被一帮外族人夷灭了。A nomadic group in the plain has been exterminated by a band of foreigners.