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征兆是有益的。Signs are helpful.

你在家里是个小帮手吗?Are you helpful at home?

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科科现在十分勤快。Koko's very helpful now.

乙闲聊是有帮助的。B. Small talk is helpful.

这篇博客有用吗?Was this blogspot helpful?

他们认为那玩艺儿有帮助吗?Do they think it's helpful?

我要谦虚与乐于助人。I should capful and helpful.

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我应该一帽子和乐于助人。I should capful and helpful.

马是一种有用的植物。The horse is a helpful animas.

这将对我们很有帮助。Itwould be very helpful for us.

扪心自问,这批评是对的吗?Ask if the criticism is helpful.

你觉得面授辅导课有帮助吗?Do you find the tutorial helpful?

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那是一部极端有趣的电视剧。That is a helpful TV thedined onr.

相互交换意见是有益的。An exchange of opinions is helpful.

用类比也许能帮助你们理解。Analogy here that might be helpful.

在学校,我很有礼貌和助人为乐。At school, I'm be polite and helpful.

了解一些细节会很有帮助。Getting some detail would be helpful.

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有益的发烧来自于感冒。Helpful fevers come in from the cold.

因此,我们搜集了一些有用的技巧。So, we’ve gathered some helpful tips.

书写描述更有帮助。It's much helpful to write about them.