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带好安全设备。Carry safety gear.

摇滚与安全。Rockin with safety.

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安全灯丢失。Safety lamps missing.

为你的安全祈祷。Praying for your safety.

评估你的安全网。Evaluate your safety net.

他为安全扣好扣子。He buckled up for safety.

安全更重要。Safety is more important.

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加固你的安全网。Reinforce your safety net.

要有食品安全意识。Use food safety awareness.

手部安全就是无事故!Hand Safety is No Accident!

我记挂着你的安全。I have your safety in mind.

生活水水路无需安全阀,预防漏水。No safety valve in D. H. W.

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子女是父母的至宝。Caution is parent of safety.

我设法游到安全处。I managed to swim to safety.

我将对她的安全负责。I will answer for her safety.

保持距离,以策安全。Keep the distance for safety.

保险搭扣扣不上。The safety catch won't clasp.

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什么是安全系数?What is the safety parameter?

我挂心她的安全。I am anxious about her safety.

也不顾为师的安全。You take no care of my safety.