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对,但不完全。Well, not entirely.

鼻镜为纯黑色。Nose entirely black.

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错,全错。Wrong. Entirely wrong.

全怪我。It's entirely my fault.

这是完全可行的。This is entirely feasible.

它也不完全是圆形的。Nor is it entirely circular.

这是完全合理的。This was entirely reasonable.

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六听一组的饮料完全是液态的。A six-pack is entirely liquid.

太原面貌为之一新。Taiyuan, an entirely new look.

安琪尔,我活着完全是为了你呀。Angel, I live entirely for you.

剩下的就全靠你自己了。The rest is entirely up to you.

你的意见我不完全同意.I don’t entirely agree with you.

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最好应完全避免使用。They should be avoided entirely.

你完全误解了我的意思。You mistook my meaning entirely.

好,或许这并非完全正确。Well, okay, not entirely correct.

而该品牌买家通常选择现金全款支付。Buyers often pay entirely in cash.

他们都没有受到完全的信任。None of them was entirely trusted.

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她完全没有领会他的意思。She had missed his point entirely.

我还没有完全地适应。I have not yet entirely acclimated.

这张画全由小点构成。The picture was entirely dotted in.