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他说使用武力是万万不可的。He said the use of force would be inadmissible.

法官裁定该证据不能被采信。The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible.

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从报告中删除不可采信的传闻证据。Inadmissible hearsay evidence was expunged from the report.

假如这种情况发生了,减掉的不仅仅是脂肪组织还有非脂肪组织,这是机体难以承受的。If it happens, your body loses non-fatty tissues as well as fatty ones, which is inadmissible.

对没有按规定办理合法租赁手续,证明不齐备的,不予受理。No legal stipulations on the lease procedures, the evidence is not available, are inadmissible.

他们没有得到搜查令,所以,结果只能是柜子里的一切都不得作为呈堂证据。They didn't get that warrant, as a result, everything in that closet is inadmissible as evidence.

国际刑事法庭法官驳回了肯尼亚政府要求宣布不许可该案件的请求。Judges at the court ruled against the Kenyan government's request to declare the case inadmissible.

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凡属不符合规划、违规设立的开发区用地申请,不予受理。Where inconsistent with the planning, establishment of the development zone land application inadmissible.

法官拒绝了这个申请,理由是他对审查不被采信的证据有司法裁量权。The judge refused the application on the ground that he had a judicial discretion to examine inadmissible evidence.

洛奇认为,当一个少女阅读吸血鬼小说时,她“面对的是一幅透视着自己那些不会被允许的欲望的画像。When reading vampire fiction, Lodge believes, the teenager is "confronting an image of her own inadmissible desires.

因此,林某主张录音的形式和内容均存在疑点依据不足,不予采信。Therefore, Lin advocated recording the form and content of all doubt the existence of lack of evidence, inadmissible.

科学证据不受采纳的比例上升,让SKAPP担心,特别是因为根据道伯特案的理由而败诉的案件,通常表示诉讼已经结束。The rise in inadmissible science has SKAPP worried, particularly because a defeat on Daubert grounds often means a lawsuit is over.

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由于在刑讯审问下获得的证词不会得到受理,美国将难以对卡塔尼提出起诉。The US will find it difficult to go ahead with any prosecution of Qahtani given that evidence obtained under torture would be inadmissible.

奥巴马提议不承认强迫审讯得到的证据,这就解决了对特别军事法庭的一个主要异议。Obama has addressed one major objection to military commissions by proposing that evidence gleaned from coercive interrogations be inadmissible.

我们的社会身份,我们在社会交往中应承担的角色,已经是一个压制了我们被禁止之冲动的“面具”。Our social identity, the person we assume to be in our social intercourse, is already a "mask" that involves the repression of our inadmissible impulses.

如果在入境口岸被发现属于不准入境之列,持证人仍会被禁止入境。I understand that possession of a visa does not entitle the Bearer to enter the United States of America upon arrival at port of entry if he or she is found inadmissible.

受任何法律规定的制约,海上保险合同不能作为诉讼的证据,除非包含在符合本法的海上保险单内。Subject to the provisions of any statute, a contract of marine insurance is inadmissible in evidence unless it is embodied in a marine policy in accordance with this Act.

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没有律师的协助,他可能在没有正当罪名的情况下遭到审判,被根据不确凿的或与案情无关的或不能用的证据而被定罪。Left without the aid of counsel he may be out on trial without a proper charge, and convicted upon incompetent evidence, or evidence irrelevant to the issue or otherwise inadmissible.

除非当事人是因不可抗力或有其他正当理由,否则超过法律规定的申请仲裁时效的,仲裁委员会不予受理。Unless the parties is due to force majeure or have other legitimate reasons, otherwise than required by law statute of limitations for arbitration, the arbitration committee inadmissible.

由于户籍的迁入和迁出等均归公安机关管理,不属于法院的受案范围,因此法院对于此类案件是不予受理的。Because of immigration and emigration among domicile in the management of public security organs, the case did not fall within the scope of the court, the court for such cases is inadmissible.