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我对花粉过敏。I'm allergic to farina.

由淀粉组成的或包含淀粉的。Similar to or yielding farina.

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能在自己的家乡参加世界杯,中国五人制国家队主帅法里纳百感交集。In their home World Cup, Five Chinese national team coach Farina mixed feelings.

二是花粉成熟前期,淀粉粒积累发生障碍。The other showed the farina accumulation existing obstacle in the prophase of pollen maturation.

首先,她拿出面粉来和,等到面发好之后,就开始做饺子皮。Firstly, she takes out some farina. After the dough is ready, she begins to make dumpling wrappers.

麦乳是一种早餐麦片,由B&G食品股份有限公司推出,主要成分是研磨过的小麦以及淀粉。Cream of Wheat is a breakfast cereal marketed by B and G Foods that’s made of ground wheat or farina.

在2台仓泵将物料均匀流态化后,实现连续输送。The continous conveying will realize when the farina is even and fluidization by the 2 storage pumps.

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冲这种麦片要用开水,然后慢慢搅拌直到淀粉融入水中变成稠糊糊的粥状物就可以了。This cereal is prepared by boiling water and slowly stirring the farina into hot water until it thickens to a porridge-like consistency.

克鲁兹头球摆渡给马丁斯,尼日利亚人在与儒亚雷斯的对抗中摔倒,但法里纳并没有给任意球。Julio Cruz flicks a header into the path of Martins. The Nigerian goes down after contact with Juarez but Farina does not give a free kick.

帚化率低,滤嘴棒纸的结合强度相对降低,因而会出现掉毛掉粉现象。Be- cause of low fastigiated ratio, the linking intensity of cigarette filter paper is low. So some farina and fibrilla can desquamate from the paper.

不过我希望指出的是那些针对法里纳裁判的反面的评价都只是在技术层面的。However, I would like to point out that I formulated negative judgements towards referee Stefano Farina only and exclusively under the technical profile.

同时,兰帕德对主裁判法里纳的判罚表示质疑,他认为这位意大利裁判的一些判罚对主队更有利。Meanwhile, Lampard has revealed his frustration with referee Stefano Farina as he believes the Italian official favoured the home side with the decisions.

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用乙醇萃取红曲米粉提取红曲米素,并采用正交法对真丝绸进行染色试验。Red rice-kojicidin was prepared by extracting red rice-koji farina with alcohol and dyeing experiment on natural silk was performed using orthogonal method.

虽然方吉奥和厄尔尼诺法里纳在更加受人尊敬的年代获得了冠军,但是舒马赫去拥有天赋、经验和狡猾或者说卑劣,这些东西让他获得了成功。Juan Manuel Fangio and Nino Farina won titles at even more venerable ages and he has the talent, experience and artfulness, some call it low cunning, to make it a success.

介绍了以芭蕉芋淀粉为原料加工粉丝的工艺技术、产品品质和关键工艺要求。The article mainly introduced the process technology, product quantity and pivotal process conditions on product farina noodle, use farina of canna or other crop as raw material.

而悬浮在油脂中的炭化残渣特别是细小的面粉、淀粉颗粒成为了油脂氧化反应和水解反应的催化剂,是使油脂质量下降的一个主要因素。The main causation leads to the increase of fried oil is the impurities carbide, especially the tiny particles of flour and farina turn into catalyzer of oxidation and hydrolyze.

介绍了以米醋、牡丹花瓣浸提液和牡丹花粉浸提液为辅料生产保健面包的试验,并对影响面包品质的因素进行了分析。The experiment of making peony vinegar bread with vinegar, peony leaves leaching liquor and farina leaching liquor is introduced. The factors influencing the quality are analyzed.

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YGX型微电脑液体粉剂制剂计量灌装、旋盖为一体联动机组是我公司研制开发的新产品,具有自动灌装、自动套盖及旋盖功能。YGX computer-controlled fluid or farina bottling and rotating-cap machine is a new product that our company researched in order to suit to liquid filling industry, precision filling.