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他们得到的“奖励”是解雇和死亡威胁。They were rewarded by becoming practically unemployable and received death threats.

你难道真的会落到在街头挨饿或一直失业吗?Is it really that you are going to end up on the street starving or become unemployable?

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索恩的故乡丹麦与其他地方一样,往往把孤独症患者看作是不适于雇用的人。In Sonne's native Denmark, as elsewhere, autistics are typically considered unemployable.

如果新的劳动力没有就业的机会,印度的“人口红利”就没有多大用处。And India's demographic dividend will not count for much if those new workers are unemployable.

年轻时,政府考虑到他失业,建议他领取残废救济金。When he was a young man, the state considered him unemployable and suggested he collect disability payments.

老人们在社会中有不公平的待遇—如果没有工作和没有什么财产,就会被挤到一边和被忽略。Oldies get a rough deal in our society – sidelined and ignored, presumed unemployable and left on the scrap heap.

我想什么工作我都无法胜任,除了写作以外——不过,我经常把摄影当作副业,很方便的。I think I'm pretty unemployable at anything but writing — although I've always had a convenient sideline in photography.

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大量的大多是无业的毕业生不能吸收私营部门或公共部门的能力。The large number of mostly unemployable graduates cannot be absorbed by either the private sector or public sector capacity.

据中国官方媒体新华社报道,中国教育部本周宣布,计划逐步取消那些“就业难”的专业。China’s Ministry of Education announced this week plans to phase out majors producing unemployable graduates, according to state-run media Xinhua.

回到加纳,奥瓦先生认识到许多大学毕业生缺乏在自己的专业领域进行的练习,这使得他们在人才市场就不了业。In Ghana, Mr. Awuah realized that most college graduates lacked practical training in their own fields, making them unemployable on the job market.

尼日利亚毕业生曾经被国外大学的骄傲,现在大多被称为无业根据中央银行行长查尔斯索卢多。Nigerian graduates who once were the toast of foreign universities are now mostly dubbed unemployable according to the Central Bank Governor, Charles Soludo.

一家大型商业游说团体今天警告说,上百万中学或大学毕业生空有一张“无用”文凭,却无法被雇佣,因为他们缺乏基本技能。Millions of school leavers and graduates with 'fairly useless' degrees are unemployable because they lack basic skills, a major business lobby group will warn today.

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在周末的时候他们可以通过社区服务这种建设性的方式地回报社会。Let 'em keep their jobs so they don't end up unemployable sad sacks when they get out. On the weekends they can pay their debt to society more constructively in community service.