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我取笑他。I tease her.

别逗弄我的孩子!Don't tease my child.

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我们拿它戏弄朋友。We tease our friends.

然而这又是另一番挑逗之意了。Yet this is another tease.

我在学习梳理羊毛。I'm learning to tease wool.

“逗”就是指跟某人闹着玩儿、开玩笑。It means to tease or play with.

不要去欺负流浪狗和短尾猿。Do not tease roaming dogs and macaque.

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哦,你为什么总是用温香软玉的话挑逗我?Oh, how you tease me with your sweet talk.

戏弄那个小男孩,你真坏。It was mean of you to tease the little boy.

如果你戏弄他,他会生气的。If you tease him, he becomes hot with anger.

男孩子们用橡树果打狗逗它玩。The boy tease the dog by pebble it with acorn.

世俗的熏染和生活的捉弄。The influence and tease of the secular society.

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大风猛扑到海面上戏弄着浪涛。The wind were swooping down to tease the waves.

你切不可因孩子口吃而嘲弄他。You must not tease a child because it stutters.

不要用你的首页来宠溺他们,记住。Do not spoil them through your home page. Tease.

你以为我是个傻妞就糊弄我。You tease me because you think I’m a silly girl.

发现能调戏女人的东西很容易。Finding something to tease a woman about is easy.

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你那样逗弄小孩真让人感到痛心。It's too bad of you to tease the child like that.

你切不可因为一个孩子口吃而去取笑他。You must never tease a child because he stutters.

我的愁绪揶揄以问我它们自己的名字来揶揄我。My sad thoughts tease me asking me their own name.