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我们永远不会屈服于外界的压力。We will never capitulate to pressure from outside.

就是说决定投降日本帝国主义。It signifies a decision to capitulate to Japanese imperialism.

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伊斯梅尔·杨恳求的口吻使柯林斯让步了。The appealing tone of Ishmasl Young's voice made Collins capitulate.

最好饿死中国龙,与其打得头破血流,还不如迫使其屈服。Better to starve the dragon and force it to capitulate than to fight it head on and lose.

巴勒斯坦人现在应该明白了,以色列既不会离去也不会投降。Palestinians should have learned by now that Israel will not go away nor will it capitulate.

从而该岛可能在美国能运用所有战斗力量之前就投降了。The island might therefore capitulate before the United States could bring all its combat power to bear.

令我感到惭愧的是,我们这么容易被招牌与名字俘虏,被庞大的社会与呆板的风俗俘虏。I am ashamed to think how easily we capitulate to badges and names, to large societies and dead institutions.

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一家公司可能为一整天的坏消息做好准备,但连续两天、三天、四天坏消息不断的时候,他们就会投降”。A company is ready to take one day of bad news, but when it gets to be two, three, four days, they capitulate.

清军给史可法送来了劝降信,答应给他高官厚禄。The Qing army sent a letter to him to induce him to capitulate , promising to give him a high office and fat salary.

这一举动让骑劫相信齐国的军队一定会投降,于是放松了防御。This event convinced Qi Che that the city was truly about to capitulate and he allowed his troops to relax their guard.

去看英国队向欧洲足球的落后生西班牙队缴械投降吗?Watching an insipid and familiarly witless England side capitulate to Spain, those other European rank underachievers ?

目前它正同加拿大人作战,因为后者坚持在这个新领域购买喜欢的股票并拒绝投降。Right now, it's fighting the Canadians, who are holding out for preferred stock in the new entity before they capitulate.

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芝加哥选择权交易所波动率指数指数,或害怕指数,这表明美国市场即将投降,然后再开始进行触底。The CBOE VIX index, or the fear index, suggests that the US market is about to capitulate and then start the process of bottoming.

自然,我担心奥巴马政府最终会屈服于沙特的压力,任由巴林政权发展。Of course, I fear that in the end here, the Obama administration will capitulate to the Saudis and let the Bahrain regime have its way.

然而洪水的潮头已漫过未及完工的防护堤,如今爱尔兰已被迫屈从,接受外界援助。But the flood tide has already surged past the half-built bulwarks and Ireland has now been forced to capitulate and accept outside help.

国民党中一切不愿意真正投降的人们,只要你们积极地发动了或参加了内战,你们就不可避免地要变为投降主义者。Those of you in the Kuomintang who do not really wish to capitulate will inevitably end up as capitulationists if you take an active part in instigating or prosecuting civil war.

或者他们可以这样想,在呈现现实生活的故事时,几乎没有新的选择,他们只需确保观众兴奋点的稳定。Or, they can capitulate to the idea that there are few new options in presenting real-life stories and make sure they keep the those audience pleasing moment coming at a steady rate.

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尽管国际汽联主席莫斯利认为,车队将最终投降,并注册参加明年的F1。布朗坚持认为FOTA仅仅是想到自己的出路。Although FIA president Max Mosley believes that teams will eventually capitulate and sign up to join F1 next year, Brawn is adamant that FOTA is only thinking of going its own way right now.

它的商品的低廉价格,是它用来摧毁一切万里长城、征服野蛮人最顽强的仇外心理的重炮。The cheap prices of its commodities are the heavy artillery with which it batters down all Chinese walls, with which it forces the barbarians' intensely obstinate hatred of foreigners to capitulate.