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快转那个会卷的东西!Turn the knobby thing!

现在表面略有诺比,感觉有点粒状。The surface is now slightly knobby and feels a bit grainy.

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这将是那些弯黄瓜和多节胡萝卜的春天。"This marks the new dawn for the curvy cucumber and the knobby carrot, " said E.

白天,我坐在多节的红杉树的节疤上,把一块块树皮丢进桶里。During the day, I'd perch on a knobby redwood buff and toss pieces of bark into a bucket.

家住南城的老何方面大耳,红光满面,举止动作也很像一位成功人士。Dr knobby old who Nancheng, glowing with good health, behaviour and functioning like a success.

从7月1日起,弯黄瓜和生节的萝卜等"异形"果蔬开始重登欧洲超市的货架。Curved cucumbers and knobby carrots have been back on European supermarket shelves since July 1.

冰层之下,一个浑身长满钉子鸦样的只有镍币大小的阿拉斯加王蟹爬过一个多节的海星。Underneath the ice spikes meet spikes as an Alaska king crab the size of a nickel crawls over a knobby sea star.

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在冰下,一只镍币大小的阿拉斯加皇帝蟹刺对刺爬过一只多节海星时。Underneath the ice, spikes meet spikes as an Alaska king crab the size of a nickel crawls over a knobby sea star.

其生产体积大而笨重的建筑、农业和采矿用的轮胎的销售今年实现了翻番。A smaller division producing the fat, knobby tyres used by construction, farming and mining vehicles is doubling production this year.

我留意到他的手,手指关节粗大,拇指还有零星握笔的痕迹,似乎他很长时间都在记录。It was his hand that I noticed in detail — the large knobby fingers and stray pen marks on the thumb, as if he'd spent a lot of time taking notes.

费拉蓬托夫是一个身体肥胖面色黑红,四十来岁的庄稼汉,他嘴唇粗厚,鼻子俨如一颗粗大的肉瘤,皱起的浓眉上方也长著有同样粗大的两个肉瘤,此外还有一个凸起的大肚子。Ferapontov was a stout, dark, ruddy peasant of forty, with thick lips, a thick, knobby nose, similar knobby bumps over his black, knitted brows, and a round belly.

分布广泛的鸻行目呈杓鹬样的海鸟,主要在夜间活动。长有大的头、黄色大眼睛及节结状腿。Any of various widely distributed, chiefly nocturnal, curlewlike shore birds of the family Burhinidae, having large heads, large yellow eyes, and knobby leg joints.