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白色的冰冷的水在右舷一边泛著泡沫飞溅著。White icily -cold water foamed over the starboard side.

我冷冰冰地没有反应,但自顾自把我的半碗粥吃完。I icily didn't respond, but selfish my half bowl the gruel finishes eating.

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“请原谅,”斯内普冷冷地说,“我认为我才是这个学校的魔药课教师。”"Excuse me, " said Snape icily. "But I believe I am the Potions master at this school. "

连续下了一周的冷雨,据说还要接连下去,真是令人不舒服。It has icily rained for more than one week, and it is said this will go on. It is really uncomfortable!

但是现在,经济持续低迷,失业率也在冷酷无情地攀升,如何让自己看起来忙碌已经不再是同事间的玩笑了。But now, when business is verrry slow and the possibility of layoffs icily real, looking busy is no joke.

她的话清澈如水晶,比斑尾林鸽咕咕的叫声还要悦耳然而却像冰块似的划破了寂静。Her words rang out crystalclear , more musical than the cooing of the ringdove , but they cut the silence icily.

起初,董事长见他是个生手,年纪又不小了,没有培养的价值,便冷冰冰地拒绝了。At first , chairman ofthe board sees him is a poor hand , the age has not been small , doesnot have the raise the value , then icily rejected.

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“鲍威尔先生发现,从母亲、孩子和病人身上得到它要比从这个庞大的工业产业那里得到它容易得多,”布朗先生冷冰冰地评价说。"Mr. Powell finds it easier to take it out of mothers, children and sick people than to take on this vast industry, " Mr. Brown commented icily.

在最后五分钟,南华获得一个罚球,史高斯把足球送入龙门的右角,守门员陈达燊扑错方向。With five minutes to go, South China was awarded a penalty kick. Icily composed, Tales slotted the ball into the right hand corner of the net, sending goalkeeper Domingos Chan the wrong way.

湖人不需要依靠老鱼来证明只有在季后赛某一阶段在全队手感冰凉期来打破僵局。The Lakers don't want to depend on Fisher proving yet again he can chill rather icily in the freezer for uncomfortably long periods before microwaving himself at just the right postseason time.