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它们亦用于杀菌以及防止肉毒中毒。They're also used to kill bacteria and prevent botulism.

蜂蜜对于宝宝来说同样是有害的食品,因为你的孩子可能会有腊肠杆菌中毒的危险。Honey is also dangerous because your child is at risk for botulism.

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在泰国,肉毒抗毒素避免了多起死亡的发生。In Thailand, delivery of a botulism antitoxin prevented multiple deaths.

因为有婴儿肉毒杆菌中毒的危险,蜂蜜不能用于1岁以下的婴儿。Honey can't be used in children under 1, due to risk of infantile botulism.

因为食物中可能含有一种罕见的但致命的波特淋菌,食用后可能会导致波特淋菌中毒。These are possible signs of botulism. The food could contain a rare but deadly bacteria.

专家认为,这些鸟可能是吃了死鱼后感染肉毒杆菌死亡的。Experts believe that these birds may eat the dead fish infected with botulism after death.

国内报道肉毒中毒导致呼吸肌麻痹的病例较少。The domestic report botulism causes to breathe the myoparalysis case of illness to be less.

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这种毒素来自细菌,它们产生一种能引起肉素中毒的毒素。This toxin comes from the bacterium that produces the poisons responsible for causing botulism.

这就会使罐装的南瓜产生一种波特林病毒,可导致食物中毒。This makes canned pumpkin a place where the bacteria that causes botulism food poisoning can grow.

因此,此PCR方法可用于快速敏感地检测引起人类肉毒中毒的梭菌。So the PCR method was suitable for rapid and sensitive detection of human botulism borne clostridia.

患病后的症状极重,消费者不要尝试。官员说。The symptoms associated with botulism are so severe, consumers must not take chances, officials said.

肉毒中毒是一种罕见但严重的麻痹性疾病引起的神经毒素,是由肉毒梭状芽孢杆菌的细菌。Botulism is a rare but serious paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin that is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.

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加拿大公共卫生部官员指出,这两名多伦多居民所饮用的胡萝卜汁在早前已被检测出肉毒杆菌毒素阳性。According to public health officials the Toronto residents drank carrot juice that has since tested positive for a botulism toxin.

油浮到罐头的顶部,封住空气,留下水在底部聚集,就像是为肉毒菌提供一个有盖培养皿。The oil floats on top of the jar and seals out air, leaving water to collect at the bottom, where it acts like a Petri dish for botulism.

在开发其他制剂的公开项目同时,他们对霍乱,痢疾,伤寒和肉毒杆菌特别感兴趣。They had special interest in cholera, dysentery, typhoid and botulism along with the other agents under development for the overt program.

但你要是每天晚上都读读报纸看看电视的话,你就会发觉,就算你能从歹徒手中逃脱,也防不住被肉毒杆菌毒死!But if you read the paper and watch television every night, you begin to get the feeling that if the mugger doesn’t kill you — BOTULISM will!

在发现新西兰和澳大利亚生产的乳制品中含有肉毒杆菌后,中国已停止从两国进口各类奶粉产品。China has halted imports of all milk powder from New Zealand and Australia after bacteria that can cause botulism was found in some dairy products.

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肉毒中毒是一种罕见的和危险的感染所造成的土壤细菌所谓的肉毒梭菌可污染,罐装或樽装食品和生存,在他们的。Botulism is a rare and dangerous infection caused by a soil germ called Clostridium botulinum which can contaminate canned or bottled foodstuffs and survive in them.

虽然只在某些国家可获得治疗肉毒中毒的抗毒素,但是世卫组织能确保到3月19日上午向泰国提供抗毒素。Although antitoxin for the treatment of botulism is only available in some countries, WHO was able to ensure delivery of antitoxin to Thailand by the morning of 19 March.

然而FDA表示,所有新鲜的胡萝卜汁如果冷藏不恰当或长期处于高温状态,则有可能存在肉毒杆菌毒素。However, says the FDA, all fresh carrot juice, has the potential to harbor Botulism if improperly refrigerated or exposed to elevated temperatures for extended periods of time.