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继续抓好重点流域、区域、海域的污染治理。An unobstructed area of land or water.

设备与墙之间是否畅通无阻?Are aisles between equipment and walls unobstructed?

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我旷劫来,辩才无碍。For vast kalpas I have possessed unobstructed eloquence.

必须保持通往出口的通道畅通无阻。Unobstructed passageways leading to exits shall be maintained.

使用间隔管在根茬带开缺口,减小玉米根茬的抬升力。Two tubes are used to make the maize stubbles pass unobstructed.

用于防止舌后坠,保障患者正常通气。Bite block and tongue depressor. insuring unobstructed ventilation.

没多大工夫,太阳就出来了,毫无阻碍,把它的。The sun rose presently and sent its unobstructed splendors over the land.

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少吃油腻食物,禁忌烟酒,并应经常保持大便通畅。Eat fat food less, no-noSmokeWine, answer to often maintain defecate unobstructed.

你因此有权力来创造自己的梦想而不被他人所阻碍,或透过他人而成功。One has the right therefore to create their dream unobstructed by or through another.

躲开交通堵塞,去看看乡村的自然风光,真太惬意了。The motorist enjoys an unobstructed view of the natural scenery as he drives across the bridge.

交通的事故像一场“无休止的战争”时时刻刻在我们的身边眼前发生。Unobstructed accident before self's eyes occurrence such as "endless one war "at any time by us.

保持大便通畅,维持每天1次或2天1次排便习惯,就不用担心。Maintain defecate unobstructed , maintain everyday 1 or 2 days of 1 defecate habits, need not worry.

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畅通无阻地提供人道主义援助对于避免不必要的死亡和痛苦至关重要。Unobstructed access for humanitarian assistance is critical to stave off needless death and suffering.

这样一来,回家的一群蚂蚁会畅通无阻地穿过成群结队的出门蚂蚁群。It results in a stream of home-going ants passing unobstructed through the center of a crowd of out-going ants.

剧烈运动后的我们,会发现自己出了很多汗水,感觉皮肤很呼吸十分通畅。After violent campaign us, meeting him discovery gave a lot of sweat, sensory skin very breath very unobstructed.

“泄”是宣泄气机,二者相互为用,务使气血调和而通畅。"Discharge " it is drain air plane, both is each other with, blood of make sure gas is harmonic and unobstructed.

以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题的上海2010世博会离不开畅达的道路交通作为其坚强的支撑和后盾。Unobstructed road traffic is a strong support for the 2010 Shanghai Expo, whose theme is "Better City, Better Life."

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囊肿远端在保证胰液引流通畅、不损伤胰管开口的基础上,尽量切净囊肿内膜。It should clean the tunica intima of cyst, not injury debouch of pancreas, and ensure unobstructed pancreatic fluid flowing.

草莓还含有果胶和丰富的膳食纤维,可以帮助消化、通畅大便。Strawberry still is contained pectic with rich prandial fiber, can help have a bowel movement of aid digestion, unobstructed.

标准型突击步枪前部的枪管部分左侧无阻以便它能发射枪榴弹。The front part of the barrel in the standard version assault rifle is left unobstructed so that it can launch rifle grenades.