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他毅然决然地重返前线。He resolutely went back to the front.

我们坚决反对大国沙文主义。We resolutely oppose great power chauvinism.

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我们坚决地完成了土改。We resolutely carried the land reform through.

他毅然辞职,以挽回自己的声誉。He redeemed his honour by resigning resolutely.

揉了体检表,毅然决然地离去,又能怎样?Rub a medical table, resolutely away, but also what?

他坚决拒绝答应写任何新作品。He refused resolutely to pledge himself to any new thing.

爷爷看到他们的这个状况,毅然决定回去。Grandpa see this situation, resolutely decided to go back.

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他果断地钻进了缠手绊脚的荆棘丛。He flung himself resolutely into the tangle of undergrowth.

我们将迎击侵略者,并坚决地消灭他们。We will take the aggressors on and wipe them out resolutely.

他果断地砍断了缆绳,主帆滑落了下来。He resolutely hacked off the cable and the sail slipped down.

中国人民非常热爱和平,坚决反对战争。The Chinese people cherish peace and resolutely oppose to war.

马啸毅然开枪,却只听见熟习的空响。MaXiao resolutely shot, but only hear the familiar hollow ring.

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我们必须坚决清除社会中的坏分子。We must resolutely clear out all the bad elements in our society.

我们坚决支持你们争取民族解放的正义斗争。We resolutely support your just struggle for national liberation.

三是坚决反对铺张浪费和形式主义。Third, we will resolutely oppose extravagance, waste and formalism.

时俊为解两镇宿怨,毅然答应。Million Shijun for solutions, resolutely promised two town antipathy.

她重申,哥伦比亚坚定奉行一个中国政策。She reiterated that Colombia resolutely pursues the one-China policy.

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二女儿权薇是电视台主持人,做事雷厉风行。The two daughter right Wei is a television presenter, work resolutely.

他重申缅方坚定地坚持一个中国的立场。He reaffirmed that Myanmar resolutely adheres to the one-China position.

比鲁塔重申卢旺达坚定奉行一个中国原则。Biruta reaffirmed that Rwanda resolutely follows the one-China principle.