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我是一个哺乳期的母亲。I was a nursing mother.

我能看看这个护理床吗?Can I see this nursing bed?

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玛丽从事护理工作。Mary's gone in for nursing.

他的嗜好是栽培植物。His hobby is nursing plants.

我从事康复护理。I perform rehabilitation nursing.

我一直想进入护理行业。I always wanted to go into nursing.

成护理床各种功能。Various functions into a nursing beds.

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她把全部时间都花于照看自己的孩子上了。All her time goes into nursing her child.

早上好!是护理部吗?Good morning. Is that nursing department?

之后,亦名来到孟父的疗养院。After, also came to Meng Fu nursing homes.

他是橡谷疗养院的一个病人。He's a patient at Oak Valley Nursing Home.

2000年,我甚至开始进卫校学习。I even got to start nursing school in 2000.

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很多哺乳期妈妈要将泵奶器藏起来,还有些妈妈则在打电话找保姆或询问孩子今天表现如何时佯装工作。Many nursing mothers hide their breast pumps.

创办一所疗养院是她的希望。The foundation of a nursing home is her wish.

那病孩子在精心护理下康复了。The sick boy came round with careful nursing.

一名注册护士至少有2年制的护理学位。N. must have at least a 2-year nursing degree.

他的耐心护理足以说明他的同志情谊。His patient nursing speaks for his comradeship.

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没有,她们会叫小护士去做这件事。None, they just have a nursing assistant do it.

护理工作一直是女性为主导的职业。Nursing has been a female-dominated occupation.

护主人财产,保一方平安!Nursing the property of Master, ensuring peace!