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从本性上来说,女人是纯情的。Women nare monogamous by nature.

长臂猿则实行的是虔诚的一夫一妻制。Gibbons are monogamous to the point of piety.

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显然哺乳动物的一夫一妻制天性很薄弱。Apparently that monogamous mammalian instinct is weak.

这在双性恋的一夫一妻制关系中也是一样的。The same goes for bisexuals in monogamous relationships.

双性恋在一夫一妻制的情况下不会幸福的。Bisexuals can never be happy in a monogamous relationship.

所以鸟类是一夫一妻制,但它们也背叛,有限度地。So birds are monogamous but they cheat as well, within limits.

不像其他的鱼类,它们是一夫一妻制并终生厮守。Unlike most other fish, they are monogamous and mate for life.

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认真或玩玩儿、单角或多角、短时或长期的关系都可以算。It may be serious or casual, monogamous or not, short-term or long-term.

在一夫一妻制的社会里,男性会想象他们在一夫多妻制度下会有更么的好。Men in monogamous societies imagine they would be better off under polygyny.

在哺乳动物中,它的与众不同之处在于它既是群居性的,也实行一夫一妻制。What makes it unusual among mammals is that it is both sociable and monogamous.

检测艾滋病病毒,忠贞于婚姻,实行一夫一妻制。B eing tested for HIV and being faithful in marriage and monogamous relationships

他说他的女儿担心他们可能拆散了一对终生伴侣。He said his daughter was worried that they might have separated a monogamous couple.

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这样的选择使任何一种关系,不管是开放的还是一对一的——都更忠实和有意义。Such choices make any relationship -- whether open or monogamous -- honest and meaningful.

研究发现荷尔蒙主要影响单配型鼹鼠脑袋里的的愉悦系统。Oxytocin was found to affect the pleasure systems of the brain mainly in the monogamous voles.

一对单配偶的橙腹田鼠及其子女组成家庭,一起生活。Prairie voles live in family groups consisting of a monogamous mated pair and their offspring.

海鸥与信天翁同样有“一夫一妻”传统,不过雌性在没有雄性的前提下可以更好的哺育后代。In monogamous gulls and albatrosses, it gave females the chance to breed without a male partner.

鉴于单配偶的哺乳动物几乎不存在,鸟类更接近于不习惯一夫一妻制。Birds are more likely than not to practice monogamy whereas there are very few monogamous mammals.

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同样的基因在之前也被证明与一种啮齿类动物雄性野鼠的单配生殖有关。The same gene has previously been linked to monogamous behavior in male voles, a mouse-like rodent.

维持一夫一妻制的状态,在这段婚姻中,你要肯定对方对你是忠诚的。Stay in a long-term monogamous relationship, one in which you are certain of your partner’s fidelity.

另外的,如果你性方面活跃的话,你也只可以有夫妻间的性行为。In the alternative, if you elect to be sexually active, you should do so only in a monogamous relationship.