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希拉抬起头,关注地望着我。Sheila looked up at me with concern.

希拉聪明过人,不会相信特德的花言巧语。Sheila was too clever to believe Ted's flattery.

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除非你能提出证据,否则不要随便指控席拉是小偷。Don't accuse Sheila of theft until you have proof.

我要告诉你沙拉和思努比之间到底发生了什么。I"m fi"n to tell you what"s up with Sheila and Snoopy.

希拉微笑着,当她细看留言卡时,她捏了下我的手。Sheila smiled and squeezed my hand when she saw the card.

而且在5月7号前,Sheila也抽烟,瘾还很大。And, back before May 7th, Sheila also liked to smoke. A lot.

见过她吗?她是我们的新校长孟庆愉!Have you seen this woman? It's Sheila Au, your new principal!

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席拉为求准时完成读书报告而拼命赶工。Sheila worked like a dog to complete the book report on time.

没有通过试唱,希拉感到很沮丧。Sheila felt down-hearted when she failed to pass her audition.

她的父母是康涅狄格州斯坦福市的希拉和丹尼尔·沃尔森夫妇。She is the daughter of Sheila and Daniel Wolfson of Stamford, Conn.

56岁的希拉来自英国,身高只有1.6米,而且是个盲人。The 56-year-old Sheila is 1.6 meters tall and she is a blind woman.

在与这条鲶鱼拍照留念后,希拉将这条鲶鱼放回河中。After taking pictures with the fish, Sheila put it back to the river.

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亚当和席拉正在讨论他们新饮料的定价策略。Adam and Sheila are talking about the pricing strategy for their new drinks.

哦,霍伯,我想要你见见好莱坞著名影星,希拉罗达。Oh, hob, I'd like you to meet sheila rhoda, a famous film star in hollywood.

希拉“噔噔噔”地冲进护士室,她的制服上泼了厚厚一层的晚餐。Sheila stomped into the staff room, her uniform plastered with someone's dinner.

“事前我可没有打好草稿,”74岁的希拉卡特说道,“我就这么个做出来了。”“It's not based on a pattern,” said 74-year-old Sheila Carter. “I just made it up.

希拉•西苏鲁说农民们现在已开始从该项目中获利。Sheila Sisulu says the farmers are now starting to earn profits through the project.

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希拉去世时,他们的生活将一个黑暗的turn.ila死了,他们的生活发生暗转。When Sheila dies, their lives take a dark turn. ila dies, their lives take a dark turn.

联邦存款保险公司主席希拉•拜尔暗示本周将再次对银行业进行敦促。Sheila Bair, the FDIC's chairman, indicated this week that banks would be given a nudge.

塔拉和雪拉,都是坏女孩,尽管多年来都在街头混,但她们还是亲如姐妹。Tara and Sheila are close as sisters, though it's been years since they were on the streets.