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他是一个顽固争持的人。He is a persistent person.

一定要坚持,别放弃,加油。Be persistent. Don’t give up.

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癌症是一种顽症。Cancer is a persistent ailment.

谋求持久的不均衡。Seek persistent disequilibrium.

还有他真的十分执着。And he was really, really persistent.

癌症是一种顽症。Cancer is a kind of persistent ailment.

萼片并非具芒的在先端,宿存。Sepals not aristate at apex, persistent.

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我们都很钦佩他们坚持不懈的努力。All of us admire their persistent efforts.

每年之星有实物礼物的啦!你努力吧!All things but not the persistent efforts.

也许是小米的执著感动了上帝。Maybe Remi's persistent has moved the God.

失业似乎是一个永恒的主题。Joblessness seems to be a persistent theme.

你必须要去寻求持续的不平衡。you need to seek persistent disequilibrium.

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因此这是相当一个坏消息,但他的执着。So it's quite a bummer, but he's persistent.

我的自私和固执曾让多少人受伤?Solfish and persistent , how many were hurt?

疟疾是一个古老的顽疾。Malaria is an ancient and persistent disease.

坚持学习,始能不断进步。Only persistent study yields steady progress.

海绿石砂岩是一个稳定的地层单元。Sandstone is a persistent stratigraphic unit.

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这包括持续的更年期症状。These include persistent menopausal symptoms.

萼齿突出,合生和宿存。Calyx teeth prominent, connate and persistent.

追求卓越的品质是帕诺人一贯的准则!Excellent quality is our persistent guide line!