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在环球帆船赛中,女帆船手埃伦·麦克阿瑟在全球温迪挑战赛中破纪录的表演之后在陆地上过了第一晚。Ellen MacArthur has spent her first night on land after her record breaking performance in the Globe Vendee Challenge.

甲方应在每次下达订单的同时,提供下三个月的滚动需求预测。The Vendee shall provide the Vendor with the rolling forecast of the raw material demand in the next three months while placing the release order.

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招标或者拍卖工作完成后,依法向中标人或者买受人颁发海域使用权证书。Once the bidding or auction is completed, the certificate of the right to the use of sea areas shall be issued to the winning bidder or the vendee.

第四十条买受人未能按照约定取得拍卖标的的,有权要求拍卖人或者委托人承担违约责任。Article 40 Where a vendee fails to obtain the object of auction as agreed, he shall have the right to request the auctioneer or client to bear liabilities for default.

第四,分析了先买受人撤销权的要件,得出本案先买受人不得行使撤销权的结论。The fourth, analyze the conditions of the first vendee's right of rescission, then come to the conclusion that in this case the first vendee should not exert the right of rescission.

拍卖船舶委员会组织和监督船舶的移交,并在船舶移交后与买受人签署船舶移交完毕确认书。The ship auction committee shall organize and supervise the delivery of the ship, and sign a letter of confirmation of ship's delivery with the vendee after the delivery of the ship.

关于强制拍卖的法律效力,基于强制拍卖的公法性质,本文认为买受人取得拍卖物所有权的性质属于原始取得。Regarding the legal effect of coercive auction, this thesis holds the point that the vendee gains the ownership of original acquisition through auction owing to it's public law nature.

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就瑕疵担保请求权而言,买受人就拍卖物不应当享有物及权利之瑕疵担保请求权,除非委托人或拍卖人故意隐瞒标的物的瑕疵。The vendee does not have the right to claim warranty of defects of the subject matter or security for defects of right, unless the client or auctioneer disguises the defects willfully.

据法国媒体报道,日前在法国旺代省一家养鸭场发现H5型低致病性禽流感病毒后,日本立即宣布暂停进口法国新鲜肥肝与禽类产品,但没有宣布这一禁令将持续多久。Tokyo suspended imports of chicks and poultry meat on Tuesday after French officials informed Japan of an outbreak of the H5 strain of bird flu at a duck farm in western Vendee province.

在服务功能、客户关系、涉及范围、竞争优势、核心能力以及买方价值等方面,与传统的仓储与运输有质的飞跃。We have qualitatively leapt over the traditional warehousing and transportation in aspects of function, client relationship, referred range, competition edge, core competence and vendee value.