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第一架班机向西飞回了家。The first of the airliners winged westwards and home.

他们现在已经沿着滨海公路向西推进。They've now advanced westwards along the coastal highway.

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加拿大面临人口老龄化,人口重心也在西移。Canada is meanwhile getting older and its population is shifting westwards.

自1500年开始,伊维族便被迫由尼日河往西迁移。From the 1500s on, the Ewe were driven from the Niger River delta westwards.

在美国约从1830年起,欧洲殖民者开始向西迁移。From about 1830 onwards in the USA, European settlers began to move westwards.

他的船舷在向西以30节的速度前进,希望“提尔皮茨”号在某一时刻出现。His ships now sped Westwards at 30 knots, expecting "Tirpitz, " to appear at any moment.

头折写明成祖下令选拔下西洋统帅,众官员推举三保太监郑和为下西洋正使。The first act mainly describes that Ming emperor gave order to select the captain for westwards voyages.

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两小时后,他的黑豹穿过了这个村庄并且向西穿越了香努。Two hours later, his Panthers were through the village and heading westwards to the crossing at Cheneux.

作为交换条件,欧盟将启动一个更为宽松的对俄签证系统,并使俄方的能源公司西进变得更加容易。In return the EU would offer a laxer visa regime and let Russian energy companies expand westwards more easily.

周一,反对派声称,在攻占布雷加城大部分地区后,其已迫使政府军西撤。On Monday, rebels said they had pushed government troops westwards after seizing back most of the town of Brega.

发生在塔斯曼海的震动引起了一场小海啸并且使新西兰南部岛屿向西移动。The tremorinonthe Tasman Sea generatedthetsumamiasmalltsunami and expanded New Zealand's South Island westwards.

名为圣安娜的大风驱使着来自沙漠高原的干热空气向西然后向南进入南加州。The Santa Ana winds, which whip dry air from the desert plateau westwards and downwards into southern California.

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伊斯兰教文化在八世纪时达到全盛时期,造纸技术在此时向西传到伊拉克的巴格达。The art of paper making reached westwards to Baghdad, Iraq in the 8th century at the height of the Islamic culture.

中国开始西进运动不久后,南进运动预计抵达澳大利亚。A southern movement is expected to reach Australia sometime not too long after China begins her westwards movements.

在东部,叛军说,他们在苏尔特向西推进,在很大程度上捍卫卡扎菲上校的家乡。In the east, the rebels had said they were advancing westwards on Sirte, the heavily defended hometown of Col Gaddafi.

从1405年到1433年,七艘大型的珠宝商船到西方进行贸易和探险航行。In the years between 1405 and 1433, seven large treasure fleets① sailed westwards on voyages of trade and exploration②.

汉朝最显着的贡献是他们把长城向西通延伸一直过戈壁沙漠。The most notable contribution of the Han Dynasty is that they extended the Great Wall westwards through the Gobi Desert.

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我父母在二十世纪60年代后期从伊拉克迁去美国,Kian全家也几乎在同一时期从伊朗向西迁移。My parents left Iraq in the late 1960s to move to the US around the same time Kian's family also made the move from Iran westwards.

同时,“警卫旗队”师的战斗群向西推进来努力和“霍亨斯陶芬”师取得联系。At the same time, the Leibstandarte kampfgruppe tried to push westwards in order to effect a link-up with the Hohenstaufen Division.

他们在多瑙河南岸基图苏军先头部队的战斗中损失了100辆坦克。They unloaded their 100 tanks and headed east to intercept Russian spearheads advancing westwards along the south bank of the Danube.