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遗传力细菌的遗传性转化的能力。The ability of bacteria to be genetically transformable.

可以转换为某些其他形式能量的电能。The electrical energy transformable into some other form of energy.

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对这两个作品进行分析和解读,揭示其中体现的设计转换思维。This essay analyses these two works and reveals the possible method of transformable design.

复辟时期是英国财政与税收史上的一个重要转型时代。The Restoration is an important transformable age in the history of finance and taxation in England.

本文从宏观、微观、悟性和变化四个方面来分析鲁迅式的谐趣感。This paper analyzes Lu Xun's humor in the macroscopic, microscopic, savvy and transformable aspects.

以前你怎么想就不必说了,那已经是不可改变的旧事。Before you how thought and then went without saying, that was yet the not transformable antique matter.

在中国古代众多的虎故事中,化身型虎故事是极为重要的一类。As an essential kind of tiger tales in ancient China, the transformable type has a large amount of variant sub-types.

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设计巧妙地运用自然光,通过固定的视野和可转换的空间使屋内开阔。The project creatively harvests natural light and makes the residence feel larger through fixed views and transformable space.

尽管侦查队不会携带任何大型的变形机甲,但是他们还是会带上一些旋风车和气垫自行车。While the team wasn't bringing any large transformable mecha, there were still a couple of Cyclone combat cycles and Hoverbikes.

详细地描述了企业动能与势能的表现形式,以及二者之间的转换关系。The manifestation of kinetic energy and potential energy, and the transformable relationship between the alternatives were described.

其中,可转换债券由于兼具股票与债券的双重功能,是一种安全性较高的投资品种,逐渐被广大投资者所接受。Possessing the double function of stock and bond, transformable bond is an investment with high surety and is being accepted by investors.

农杆菌与愈伤组织混合培养时给予适当的负压条件可提高愈伤组织转化频率和存活率。The proper negative pressure, when agrobacterium and callus cultivated, could increase transformable frequency and survival rate of callus.

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XML技术实现了不同系统间的内容共享和传输,Web服务提供了和站点内部相连的接口。XML technologies enabled content to be shareable and transformable between different systems, and Web services provided hooks into the innards of sites.

可根据实验模型的布局特征选择在水平面内可变形状的零洞壁干扰目标线,以改善模型区残余干扰分布特性。The transformable target line without wall interference can be chosen according to the test model to improve the residual interference distribution in model area.

可活动或可变化的家具也能节省空间,像沙发床的运用、沙发壁柜合一的设计等,都是节省空间的技巧。But activity or transformable furniture also can save a space, resemble sofa bed apply, the design of syncretic of sofa wall ark, it is the skill of economic space.

根据客户订单需求的多样性和个性化特点,提出了一种基于产品族可变型结构的产品配置模型。According to diversified and individualized customer order requirements, a product configuration model was put forward based on a transformable structure of product family.

布什政府的对朝政策经历了一个由模糊到明确、由僵硬到相对灵活的调整转变过程。The policy of the Bush Administration to North Korea runs a adjustable and transformable course from implicitness to expliciness, from inflexibility to relative flexibility.

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布什政府的对朝政策经历了一个由模糊到明确、由僵硬到相对灵活的调整转变过程。The policy of the Bush Administration to North Korea runs a adjustable and transformable course from implicitness to explicitness, from inflexibility to relative flexibility.

如织机具有可以按预先设置可变化纬密的电子式卷取机构,或者织机的引纬机构具有不喂入纬纱的功能。For example, looms have electronic winding down frame that setting transformable density of weft beforehand or picking-mechanism of looms have the function of no-feeding weft.

如织机具有可以按预先设置可变化纬密的电子式卷取机构,或者织机的引纬机构具有不喂入纬纱的功能。For example, looms have electronic winding down frame that setting transformable density of weft beforehand or picking-mechanism of looms have the function of no-feeding welt.