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同学和老师见状。Schoolmate and teacher sees that.

他的两个儿子没有一个是我的同学。Neither of his sons is my schoolmate.

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她是我的中学同学小静。She is our middle schoolmate Xiao Jing.

他和一个同学创办了那份杂志。He started the magazine with a schoolmate.

我叫同学帮我报了名。I told the schoolmate helped me signed up.

我与老同学合作。I paired off with an old schoolmate of mine.

上星期,有一日我遇到一位小学同学。I met my primary schoolmate one day last week.

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你认识那个他的儿子是你同学的男人吗?。Do you know the man whose son is your schoolmate?

上星期,有一日我遇到一位小学同学。E. g. I met my primary schoolmate one day last week.

我以前的一个校友开始搞起了旅游。A former schoolmate of mine started a tourism business.

她上星期在公园中和一个老同学不期而遇。She ran against an old schoolmate in the park last week.

处理这件纠纷的仲裁员是我的校友。The arbitrator dealing with the dispute is my schoolmate.

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我正在街上走着,突然看到了我的一个老同学。I was walking along the street when I saw an old schoolmate.

他的同学阿克莱肮脏,狡猾,从不会体谅别人。His Schoolmate Claye is dirty, sly, ever will not forgive others.

中午在老校和同学打了一个小时的斯诺克。I spent a hour playing snooker with my schoolmate in the afternoon.

请李红婷和吴秀涛同学用英语对话。Please dialogize in English for schoolmate Lihongting and Wuxiutao.

他是我的老同学.要是你不介意的话,我把他介绍给你吧。He is my old schoolmate. If you don't mind, I will introduce him to you.

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善于人际交往,在同窗中有较高的威信。Be expert in human communication , have higher prestige in the schoolmate.

这里应该用人的姓来称呼除非他是你的好朋友或者同学。A person's surname should be used unless he is a good friend or schoolmate.

这位是我的老同学张力华。这是我的同事李明。This is Mr. Zhang Lihua, my former schoolmate. This is my colleague, Miss Li Ming.