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他飞快地穿过冷冷清清的小巷。He flew along unfrequented alleys.

间有游人来往的花园边上。By some not unfrequented Garden-side.

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这是一条人迹罕至的山路。This mountainside was unfrequented all day.

罕至的小径到达了寺庙。We reached the temple through an unfrequented mountain track.

他们生活在兴安岭的深山老林,以饲养驯鹿谋生。They live in unfrequented forests of Xing'anLin, and make a living by feeding reindeer.

她住在西街行人最少的地方,一栋外表朴素的四层新楼房里。She lived in the Rue de l'Ouest, in the most unfrequented spot,in a new, three-story house, of modest appearance.

在一个人迹罕至的山谷中,坐落着的一个清澈的小湖。四周环绕着无数绿色的植物和不知名的鲜艳的花。There is small clear lake settled in a unfrequented valley, around by all kinds of green plants and nameless flowers.

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被冷落的我抬起头看他那张自豪的面孔时,心里就像被刀割那样痛。Drive unfrequented of when I raise head to see him that proud of face, in the mind resemble was mown by the knife so painful.

那里是否也有冬天,是否你也在不知名的木桥畔思念早已被冷落的我?There also has the winter, whether you also remember fondly in the not well-known wooden bridge side already drive unfrequented I?

为了什么理由,我要有这么大的范围和规模,好多平方英里的没有人迹的森林,遭人类遗弃而为我所私有了呢?For what reason have I this vast range and circuit, some square miles of unfrequented forest, for my privacy, abandoned to me by men?

随着社会的发展,人们获取知识信息的渠道越来越多,图书馆渐渐被冷落了。With the development of society, there are more and more sources for people to get knowledge and information, and libraries are gradually unfrequented.

间歇的呼吸、交杂铰链和齿轮囓咬的声音,丹尼尔,在月光下急急赶路。Accompanying with breathing and grinds of chains and gear wheels, he was in a hurry on his ride under the moonlight. This mountainside was unfrequented all day.

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清代诗词研究在学术界未得到足够的重视,许多重要作家被冷落。There"re no enough attentions on the poetry and Ci of Qing dynasty in the academic circle, as a result, many important composers are encountering unfrequented."

多数亲昵爱抚发生在户外、路边、花园、游泳更衣室、人迹罕至的小路或游艇上,在一些更开放的国家,也发生在野外和树林里。Most and intimate caress produce outdoors, roadside, garden, natant bathhouse, unfrequented alley or houseboat to go up, in a few opener countries, also produce outdoors and woods in.

石油勘探大部分在人迹罕至的地方,各种突发事件不可预测,加强应急思想政治工作实为必要。It is necessary to reinforce emergency ideological and political work in oil exploration industry as oil exploration activities are mostly carried out in unfrequented areas with unexpected happenings.