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不要过份相信陌生人。Don't be too confident ial with strangers.

人们说他具有当总统的气质。He's being talked up as president ial timber.

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该方法在某地质勘查项目定点实验中取得成功。We got success at a tr ial of some geological item.

周围的农田渐渐变成了住宅区。Gradually the surrounding farmland turned resident ial.

请给我社会保障卡和身份证好吗?May I have your soc ial security card and your ID, please?

本文叙述了宽带同轴终端负载的设计方法。This paper describes the design method of broad band coax ial termination load.

松香改性壬基酚醛树脂用于油墨连结料。Rosin modified nonylphenol resin is used as the linking mater ial in printing-inks.

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指数递减法是油气藏工程中的一个重要预测方法。Expone nt ial decline is an important forecasting method in oil and gas reservoir engineering.

海洋旅游业在海洋产业中具有先导地位,发展潜力很大。The marine tourism plays a leading role in the marine industry and has an enormous potent ial.

但这家通讯社的编辑人员表示,海外广播需要多得多的筹备工作。But editor ial staff at the agency said broadcasting overseas would require a lot more preparation.

塞勒姆美国弗吉尼亚州西南部一自治市,为罗阿诺克市郊工业区和住宅区。人口23,756。An independent city of southwest Virginia, an industrial and resident ial suburb of Roanoke. Population, 23,756.

少数民族公民有效政治参与对保障我国社会、政治稳定具有重要的现实意义。Effective political participation of Minority as a means to secure soc ial and political stability is very vital to China.

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专门委员会、工作机构负责做好接访的准备和服务工作。The ec ial committees and working organ shall be re o ible for the preparation and service for receiving visits of representatives.

急性心肌梗死后并发的室间隔破裂穿孔是一种少见但是非常严重的并发症,自然病程凶险。Ventricular septal rupture after acute myoca rd ial infarction is a kind of unusual but dangerous complication, the mortality is high.

模型可以用于一种物料堆肥或多种物料混合堆肥系统的工艺设计和运行控制。The model can be used for technical design and operation control of single material composting or multiple mater ial composting system.

表面电渗法可有效地减少煤的切向阻力,但电极分布对电渗效果有很大影响。Surface electroosmosis method can reduce coal tangent ial resistance but the pole distribution affects the result of reducing resistance.

IAL能够充分缓解疼痛且并发症较少,是急性肩关节前脱位复位时可行的止痛方法。IAL provided adequate pain relief and fewer complications and is a viable option for analgesia during reduction of acute shoulder dislocation.

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在凝视型红外焦平面热像系统中,探测单元的物理尺寸和间距决定了空间采样频率。In the imaging process of staring infrared FPA, spatial-sampling frequency is determined by physical size and spat ial distance of detecting unit.

结果①十二指肠降部和水平部血运由胰十二指肠前、后动脉弓及其分支供应。Results ①The anterior and posterior pancreaticoduodenal arter ial arcade mainly supplied blood to descending part and horizontal part of duodenum.

技术社会角色依照角色载体区分为技术人工社会角色、技术实体社会角色和技术工艺社会角色。According to the carrier the social roles of technology is divided into the soc. ial role of technological artificer, technological substance and technics.