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全世界都是你的尿盆。The world is your urinal.

小便器并不需要从墙上取下为蜿蜒。Urinal does not need to be removed from wall for snaking.

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仔细一看,原来这是一只印在小便池表面的苍蝇图案。It turned out to be a fly pattern on the surface of urinal.

下午,布什跟夫人劳拉提起那个尿壶。That afternoon, George W. told his wife, Laura, about the urinal.

小便池和马桶没有灰尘、污垢或特殊气味。C. The urinal and lavatory are without dust, dirt or peculiar smell.

淋浴隔断,更衣室隔间,以及小便器隔断选项表。Shower Dividers, Dressing Compartments, and Urinal Screens Selector Chart.

游戏者通过瞄准孤独在小便器两旁的传感器来“射击”目标。Gamers hit their target by aiming at sensors positioned on either side of the urinal.

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用喷洒过清洁剂的专用化纤布擦拭小便池外壁。Use the special fiber cloth with sprayed detergent to wipe the outside wall of the urinal.

吉博力小便冲洗阀可与上进水或后进水的小便器相连。The Urinal flush valve is able to be connected with top or rear water inlet urinal ceramics.

这是一个回转的概念,其中一方具有小便池和其他静坐式马桶。It's a turn-around concept, where one side features a urinal and the other a sit-down commode.

上海德葵商贸有限公司位于上海上海市闵行区,主营感应小便器等。Kwai-commerce Co. , Ltd. Shanghai Minhang District, Shanghai in Shanghai, such as Main sensor Urinal.

一天晚上,那个人在男厕所小便时,发现自己身边站一个牙买加的大个子。One night, in the men's room, this fellow finds himself standing next to a tall Jamaican at the urinal.

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就在我低头的一刹,赫然看见蹲便器内浮着一具鲜血淋漓的死婴。In one Cha that I lower the head, impressively see squat down float a blood to sprinkle the dead baby of Li inside the urinal.

传统上,仕龙专注于商用的冲洗系统产品,主要是大便器冲洗阀、小便器冲洗阀和感应龙头。Traditionally Sloan has only offered commercial plumbing fittings, primarily faucets and valves for flushing urinal and toilets.

一种护理用床,由床边缘、球面柱、便孔、床腿和床底组成。The utility model relates to a nursing bed, which comprises a bed edge, spherical poles, an urinal hole, bed feet and a bed bottom.

他正想要再去买杯啤酒,那老头儿忽然站了起来,趔趔趄趄地快步向屋子边上那间发出尿臊臭的厕所走去。He was about to buy some more beer when the old man suddenly got up and shuffled rapidly into the stinking urinal at the side of the room.

每个便池都被装上一个压力感应装置,在眼睛可视的地方再装上一个迷你电视显示屏。电子广告在游戏结束后显示。Each urinal is fitted with a pressure sensor, and a small digital display is placed at eye level. Digital adverts are shown after the games.

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今天,我在一家酒吧的小便池尿尿,一个醉汉进来了,因为没有小便池了,他便从后面朝我两腿间尿尿。Today, I was peeing in a urinal at a bar. A drunk guy comes in, and seeing no urinals open, he decides to pee between my legs from behind me.

不过拍摄的时候,我没有真的吃薄荷味的厕所除味剂,那是假的,做成那个样子,他们还告诉我吃的时候要像它是真的一样。But for the record, I wasn't sucking on a real urinal mint. It was a fake one, made to look and taste like the real deal. That's what told me.

擦拭小便池内壁。注意清洁遮挡的半球体、出水口和下水口,擦拭后用清水冲洗。Scrub the internal wall of the urinal. Pay attention to clean the covering bowl, water outlet and sewage outlet, wash out with water after scrubbing.