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地铁形象大使!The ambassador for metro!

欢迎光临国宾大饭店。Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel.

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他奉派为驻日大使。He was appointed ambassador to Japan.

最后,大使接见了他。Finally he was seen by the ambassador.

他是新任命的校长助理。He was appointed ambassador to Sweden.

她同意陪大使。She agreed to accompany the ambassador.

韩国任命新驻华大使。S Korea appoints new ambassador to China.

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大使提交了他的委任状。The ambassador presented his credentials.

该大使拒绝了所有记者对他的采访。The ambassador refused to all interviews.

您知道台北的国宾饭店吗?Do you know the Ambassador Hotel in Taipei?

旷大使与科罗马总统会谈Ambassador Kuang Meets with President Koroma

大使被尊称为“阁下”。An ambassador is entitled “Your Excellency”.

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新传媒艺人欧萱已经成为人月牌代言人。Jeanette Aw the new ambassador for New Moon!

只有副大使还留在埃及。Only the deputy ambassador remains in Egypt.

赖肖尔,美国前驻日本大使。Reischauer, former U. S. Ambassador to Japan.

如各位所知,我是美国驻利比亚的大使。As you know, I’m the U.S. ambassador to Libya.

邱绍芳大使与塞能源部长戴维德森交谈Ambassador Kuang Converses with Minister Kamara

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国宾大饭店是洛杉矶的地标性建筑之一。The Ambassador Hotel is a Los Angeles landmark.

刘大使与卫生部长丹尼尔Ambassador Kuang With Minister Trye and His Wife

我们的辩论是以这次奥林匹克运动全为中心的。Everyone is an ambassador for the Olympic Games.