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她用手揉了揉脚腕子。She rubbed at her ankle.

他用手背抹抹嘴。He rubbed the ointment on.

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我伸了下懒腰,揉揉眼睛。I stretched and rubbed my eyes.

我在双手上涂擦肥皂。I rubbed my hands with the soap.

杰里米用油漆刷木头。Jeremy rubbed the wood with oil.

丹若有所思地摩挲着下巴。Dan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

他用手摩挲着下巴。He rubbed his chin with his hand.

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他在毛巾上搓了搓手。He rubbed his hands on the towel.

他在双手上涂擦肥皂。He rubbed his hands with the soap.

她的多嘴多舌常常惹他发火。Her talkativeness often rubbed him.

冰淇淋沾在你的裙子上了。Ice-cream rubbed off on your skirt.

汤米搓着他油湿的手指。Tommy rubbed his oil-wet fingertips.

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他将花瓶擦得亮光光的。He rubbed the vase up until it shone.

他揉搓着双手来取暖。He rubbed his hands to keep them warm.

他弯下腰去揉搓发痛的脚踝。He bent over and rubbed his sore ankle.

他用软膏揉擦发痛的双腿。He rubbed his aching legs with liniment.

我使劲地擦也擦不掉那污迹?。I rubbed hard but the stain wouldn't go.

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地板擦得明光锃亮。The floor has been rubbed clean and shiny.

天很冷,他使劲搓着双手。It was cold,so he rubbed his hands together.

这鞋不合脚,把皮都磨掉了。The shoe fits badly and has rubbed the skin.