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我喝了太多龙舌酒。I think I had too much tequila.

吻,灌满了怒意和龙舌兰的味道。Your kiss tastes of anger and Tequila.

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使用杰克丹尼威士忌,金酒。金色龙舌兰。Use Jack Danials whiskey, Tanqueray Gin, Gold tequila.

但后来我干了一杯龙舌兰酒,就恢复了理性。But then I took a shot of tequila and came to my senses.

蓝色的龙舌兰通常会制造成蒸馏酒和麦斯卡尔酒。The blue maguey is used to make both tequila and mescal.

吞咽一杯虫子蒸馏酒,这想法有没有让你不寒而栗?Do you wince at the thought of swallowing a tequila worm?

主唱,键盘手,吉他手,口琴,龙舌兰。Alec – Lead Vocals, keyboards, guitar, harmonica, tequila.

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龙舌兰花蜜和龙舌兰酒都是来源于同一种植物。Agave nectar comes from the same plant that tequila is made from.

高涨的油价和一瓶龙舌兰酒究竟有什么关系呢?Well, what the high gas prices have to do with a bottle of tequila?

几个世纪以来,龙舌兰酒都是根据古老的墨西哥传统方法酿造的。For centuries, tequila has been made according to age-old Mexican tradition.

龙舌兰最早被西班牙征服者提炼出并作为一种酒类饮料。Tequila was first distilled as a drink called pulque by Spanish conquistadors.

对你们中的很多人来说,成功的定义是能灌下20杯龙舌兰酒。For many of you, today, success is being able to hold down 20 shots of tequila.

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现在正在搜寻龙舌兰,还有,它还发现了老式的搅拌器。Right now it's searching for tequila. That's not all- it also found an old blender.

该馆餐厅也如约向所有球迷赠送了一杯龙舌兰酒。We also enjoyed the famous Mexican tequila to celebrate in the pavilion restaurant.

她确定自己带来了一箱子本地啤酒和一瓶Patrón龙舌兰酒。She made sure that she brought a case of the local beer and a bottle of Patrón tequila.

有人断定只有某些种类的酒会有问题,比如葡萄酒和龙舌兰酒。Some people swear that only certain types of alcohol -- red wine, tequila -- are a problem.

许多龙舌兰喜爱者都说好的龙舌兰酒都源自那里,因为那里有世界上最好的龙舌兰汁。Some tequila lovers say the good tequilas rank up there with the best liquors in the world.

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还有酒,太多的酒了,野格炸弹与龙舌兰酒让人丧失判断力。There's alcohol, so much alcohol, a judgment-dulling menu of Jäger bombs and tequila shots.

日出日落、一杯美酒、一枚宠物石……去细微观察品味,用心过好每一天吧。Find the little things, like sunrises and sunsets, or tequila shots and pet rocks, that make a day worth living.

如今,几乎世界上所有的龙舌兰酒都来自墨西哥的哈利斯科州,尤其是特基拉这个小镇。Today, just about all of the world's tequila comes from the state of Jalisco and especially the city of Tequila.