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内侧髋臼穿刺应自坐骨结节,经坐骨升支抵达病变区。The puncture to the ischium was from ischium tubercle to the lesions.

一扇玻璃门,你那玻璃门顶什么用啊,小土豆儿?A glass door? What do you expect us to do with a glass door, tubercle?

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因缺乏满意的辅助检查方法,盆腹腔结核与卵巢癌的鉴别诊断极为困难。It is very difficult to identify ovarian cancer and tubercle of abdominopelvic cavity.

结核病复治涂阳方案对初治失败病例的效果评价。Analysis of the effect of Re-treatment Scheme in Treating the Patients with Tubercle Bacillus.

目的介绍关节结节骨折的不同治疗方法。Objective To introduce different kinds of treatment for temporomandibular joint tubercle fracture.

骨性标本上,小结节向结节间沟骨内明显增生,使结节间沟在此处明显变窄。On the humerus specimen, intertubercular sulcus was narrowed by obvious hyperplasia small tubercle.

只要痰中检出结核杆菌,就应考虑本病处于活动期。The disease is considered to be active as long as tubercle bacilli have been detected in the sputum.

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将痰液直接涂片,萋-尼氏抗酸染色检查结核杆菌。Direct smear of sputum was conducted with Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast staining to detect tubercle bacillus.

有两个常用的方法可以是暴露变得容易,即近端松解或胫骨结节截骨。The 2 most common methods to facilitate exposure are a proximal release or a tibial tubercle osteotomy.

目的纠正先天性双侧唇裂术后遗留的唇珠缺损或唇珠不显畸形。Objective To investigate the reconstruction of the secondary vermilion tubercle deformity of bilateral cleft lip.

胫骨结节抬高术治疗髌股软骨病机理的研究?The mechanism study of anterior tibial tubercle advancement in the treatment of condromalacia patellofemoral joint?

颈静脉结节和枕髁阻碍了脑桥延髓腹侧的术野。The condyle and the jugular tubercle might block the visualization of the front of the medulla and the pontomedulla.

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探讨胫骨结节截骨在显露困难的复杂膝关节置换中应用的可行性及效果。To explore the efficacy and results of tibial tubercle osteotomy used in exposure in complicated total knee arthroplasty.

结节技术或颠簸发现鱼翅的座头鲸是灵感背后的风力涡轮叶片。Tubercle Technology or the bumps found on the fins of a Humpback whale is the inspiration behind the wind turbine blades.

为了充分暴露和松解伸肌装置,需要行胫骨结节截骨术和股四头肌V-Y成形术。Adequate exposure and mobilization of the extensor mechanism required an osteotomy of the tibial tubercle and a V-Y quadricepsplasty.

文献关于胫骨结节骨折合并复杂的胫骨平台骨折的处理鲜有报道。There are few reported techniques described to manage tibial tubercle fractures in conjunction with complex proximal tibial injuries.

允许胫骨结节骨折块的复位固定,其固定牢固程度允许病人进行即刻的全关节活动。It allows for reduction and fixation of the tibial tubercle fragment that is stable enough to allow immediate full active range of motion.

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目的探讨和研究脱乙酰基利福喷丁体内及体外抗结核杆菌生长活性的作用。Objective It is to discuss and study the effect of 25-O-desacetylrifapentine against tubercle bacillus growth activity in vivo and in vitro.

结果107例中晚期结核性渗出性胸膜炎患者经外科手术治疗均取得良好效果。Results The tubercle exudation of the later period in 107 pleuritis the sufferer be all obtained good effect by surgical operation treatment.

目的观察胫骨高位截骨、胫骨结节旋转抬高治疗膝内翻伴胫骨旋转畸形的效果。Objective To study the results of treatment of genu varum with tibial rotation by high tibial osteotomy, rotation and elevation of tibial tubercle.