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请猜这是什么汉字?Whabout word does this hieroglyph refer to?

你知道怎样写这个漂亮的象形文字吗?Do you know how to write this beautiful hieroglyph?

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我所采用的图案是类似符号的象形文字。Initially the patterns I used were hieroglyph like symbols.

在后来的时期内,鸟的象形文字直接用来表现神。In the Late Period, the hieroglyph of the bird was used to represent this deity directly.

东巴纸坊书写象形文字展示。中国云南丽江。In Dongba Paper Workshop, a minority person is showing writing hieroglyph. Lijiang, Yunnan, PRC.

摩羯座是秋天夜空西南方的星座,星座符号像一笔划出山羊外形特征的古代象形文字。Capricorn constellation is lying in the southwest sky of autumn at night, which shaped like a goat in ancient hieroglyph.

该画门窗的地方,他就用汉字替代,强调了汉字作为象形文字的功能和魅力。The painting doors and windows, he replaced with Chinese characters, the characters that function as a hieroglyph and charisma.

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更为难能可贵的是,遗存的东巴经中还有一种有用古代形象文字记录的舞谱。What's more interesting is that the Dongba scriptures have preserved dance steps with the ancient hieroglyph Dongba characters.

修辞班教师说,“象形符号是一种不受制于情感的事物名称,它本身包函类似象征的性能。”A hieroglyph , " said the rhetor, "is the name given to a symbol of some object, imperceptible to the senses and possessing qualities similar to those of the symbol.

我所采用的图案是类似符号的象形文字。在马尔代夫度假后,这些“脸”的图形开始发展。那里的鱼类给了我无穷无尽的灵感。Initially the patterns I used were hieroglyph like symbols. After a holiday in the Maldives the "face" patterns developed. The local fishes gave me endless inspiration.