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我所读过的、最深入浅出的、有关健康的诠释。Edward Taub, M. D. , author of the Wellness Rx.

在这种情况下中心点的值不会再系统加点的时候被读取。In this case centre is not being read from axes X, Y and Rx during start-up.

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这使得Rx项目最终可以直接从Task构建Observable。This is allowing the Rx project to finally build observables directly from Task.

实际上我用尼龙搭扣连接的接收和使用的橡胶带作为一个安全防范。I actually used Velcro to attach the Rx and used the rubber band as a safety precaution.

它虽不足以闯入宝马X5引领的乘坐平顺性领域,但比起RX来说仍然更为坚固。It's firmer than the RX without venturing into BMW X5 territory in terms of ride harshness.

其他模式,采用了转子发动机包括RX系列的R100和卢斯。Other models that have used the rotary engine include the RX series, the R100, and the Luce.

作为替代方案,Rx库是在.NET原来的异步模式上构建的。As a work-around the Rx libraries were instead built on top of .NET’s original async pattern.

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人类生长因子Rx的主要作用就在于抵抗生长暂停对人体的影响并且优化提高生长激素和胰岛素生长因子-1的水平。HGF Rx was designed to combat the impact of somatopause and to optimally raise growth hormone and IGF-1 levels.

另外,使用可适应位元与功率分配可以有效地增加传输率并且使不同接受位置的位元错误率更稳定。Using the adaptive bit and power loading algorithm can effectively increase the data rate and make BER stable at different Rx locations.

跑步对策在长距离跑前一天,吃3顿营养餐,确保您身体的燃料箱在开跑之前装得满满的。Running Rx The day before a long run, eat three nutritionally sound meals and make sure your body's fuel tank is topped off before you head out.

鉴于RX是业已定下来的,剩下的事情就是将放大器的增益加倍,以补偿分压电阻造成的信号增益跌落。So RX is pre-determined, and all that remains is to double the gain of the amplifier in order to offset the signal loss from the resistor divider.

跑步对策考虑一下,离地时用大脚趾发力,别用小脚趾,这样,您的脚就能向前甩,与脚踝的接触明显减少。Running Rx Think about pushing off through the big toe, not the pinky toe, so that your foot swings cleanly forward, and you'll whip your ankle less.

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换句话说,对于很多人来讲,运动或许和降低炎症这一心血管病关键诱因的治疗方案同样见效。In other words, in many people, exercise might be as effective as an Rx in tamping down inflammation, one of the key risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

跑步对策如果烦恼您的是压力,您可能承受更多痛苦,用火柴加热环形针或安全别针,穿刺放血。Running Rx If the pressure is bothering you and you can handle more hurt, press the end of a paper clip or safety pin, heated with a match, through the nail.

雷克萨斯的RX还包括仪表板,安装为驾驶员和前排乘客和座椅式后排乘客的舷外侧面撞击安全气囊膝部气囊。The Lexus RX also includes dashboard-mounted knee airbags for the driver and front passenger and seat-mounted side-impact airbags for outboard rear passengers.

相与酒精的作用对比,市场上所售的大多数助眠药,比如安眠及索娜塔,都不会影响下半夜的深层睡眠。In contrast, most of the newer Rx sleeping pills on the market, such as Ambien and Sonata, do not appear to cause late-night sleep interruptions, according to Karam-Hage.

在RX包括雷克萨斯'类似的安全系统,具有自动连接碰撞通知,被窃车辆定位,紧急援助,并基于GPS的增强路边援助。The RX includes Lexus' similar Safety Connect system that features Automatic Collision Notification, Stolen Vehicle Location, Emergency Assistance, and GPS-based Enhanced Roadside Assistance.