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北方森林是横贯大陆的。The boreal forest is transcontinental.

第一条横跨美国大陆的铁路于1869年建成。The first U. S. transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869.

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创造洲际无线运营商好像是有意义的。Creating a transcontinental wireless operator seems to make sense.

所以你也能想象得出横贯大陆的航线需要多少汽油钱。So you can imagine what the gas bill would be on a transcontinental flight.

横贯大洲南北的甘线铁路的复兴更意义非凡。The Ghan's revival on the north-south transcontinental line has been even more remarkable.

甘线铁路是南北横贯大陆铁路线上的一条侧线,它的复兴更显得非同寻常,引人瞩目。The Ghan's revival on the north-south transcontinental line has been even more remarkable.

在不久之前,我在跨洲的飞行途中被坐在我后面的女人叫醒。Not long ago, I was on a transcontinental flight when I was awakened by the woman behind me.

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一个计算机程序员和一位工程师在一架跨陆航班上紧挨着坐在一起。A computer programmer and an engineer were sitting next to each other on a transcontinental flight.

高点在铁路建立施工附带的第一次跨洲体系。The high point in railroad building came with the construction of the first transcontinental system.

瑜伽修行者期待横穿印度大陆在迈索尔,印度南部的皇宫之城,得到祝福。Yogis seeking transcontinental bliss head these days to Mysore, the City of Palaces, in southern India.

在修建贯穿美洲大陆的铁路之前,加州的大量贸易也依靠这种快帆船进行。Before the building of transcontinental railroads, California too relied on such ships for much of its trade.

所有这4架飞机都爬高进入朗朗晴空全,全都上了洲际航线,机上装满了燃料,一触即炸。All climbed into beautiful clear skies, all four planes on transcontinental flights, plump with fuel, ripe to explode.

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例如,对于跨国集群,我有时使用本地储存库对来克服延迟。For example, in the case of transcontinental clusters I will sometimes use local repository pairs to overcome latency.

1928年,第一个横穿大陆的直达飞行由一架洛克希德“织女星”号载有四名乘客的木质单翼机完成。In 1928, the first nonstop transcontinental flight was completed in a Lockheed Vega, a four-passenger wooden monoplane.

金伯利岩位于兰伯特裂谷附近,这是一个巨大的、横贯大陆的裂谷,纵贯了南极洲大部。The kimberlites lie near the margins of theLambert rift, an enormous, transcontinental rift that crosses much ofAntarctica.

1901年,摩根和他的同伙詹姆斯·J·希尔控制了两条北部横贯大陆的铁路,即北太平洋铁路和大北铁路。James J. Hill, controlled the two northern transcontinental railroads, the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern, in 1901.

澳大利亚国家铁路公司刚推出加长版的四日跨大陆旅行,从达尔文到阿德莱德。Australia's national rail is debuting an extended four-day transcontinental journey beginning in Darwin and ending in Adelaide.

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因此,从一开始,横贯铁路的修筑就置身于两家公司的浓重的竞争氛围中。From the beginning, then, the building of the transcontinental railroad was set up in terms of a competition between the two companies.

令伯灵顿与众不同的是其自洛杉机到芝加哥的跨洲运输路线,也是与竞争者相比最短的一条途径。Differentiating Burlington from its rivals is its transcontinental route from Los Angeles to Chicago, which is the shortest of its competitors.

我们务必做得更好,美国事一个建设了州际铁路、将电力输往农村落社区、建设了州际高速雄路的国家。America is the nation that built the transcontinental railroad, brought electricity to rural communities, constructed the Interstate Highway System.