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什么是酒塞葡萄酒?。What is Corked Wine?

还有呢,这葡萄酒,偶看是走了味了。This wine here, I think it is corked.

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这款酒有异味,我想它染上了木塞味。This wine is faulty. I think it's corked.

最后一瓶是酒塞,但是这一个是美丽的。The last bottle was corked , but this one was beautiful.

如果在醒酒之后状况变得更糟了,这支酒很可能是有瓶塞味儿了。If they get worse after decanting the wine is probably corked.

魔术师显示一个被塞住的小清楚的玻璃瓶在桌。The magician shows a corked small clear glass bottle on the table.

因此对于塞米·索萨来说,在棒球里填充软木是个馊主意——因为他曾试过这样作弊被抓。So a corked bat is a bad idea for Sammy Sosa, who got caught using one.

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而且,令人高兴的是,我还注意到你的标本没有干,瓶子也是塞住的。I am glad to notice, too, that you keep your specimen wet, and your bottle corked.

剩余后的酒用酒盖盖住放入冰箱可保留数周。After drinking, the remains should be re- corked and refrigerated for up to 3 to 4 weeks.

早在软木球棍时代技术就已经成为推动这场漫无止境的竞争的主要动力。Technology dating back to before the corked bat has helped to fuel that unceasing competition.

把用软木塞塞住的漏斗顶部敞开放进水中,我们就可以收集到一些这种天然的气体。By placing the corked funnels open top in the water, we could collect some of this natural gas.

强力的击球手用软木填塞球棍得到的那点更远的距离,由于碰撞效率的问题而被失去了。What distance a power hitter gains using a lighter corked bat he loses in collision efficiency.

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没有哪家餐厅会拒绝更换有霉味的酒,或对这种情况做出错误判断。No restaurateur would refuse to replace a corked bottle or would make a mistake about the condition.

带有发霉味道的葡萄酒比较少见,而且餐厅的饮酒者必须十分谨慎,才能得出这个结论。Corked wine is rare, and wine-drinkers in a restaurant should be careful before they make the charge.

所作一切都是希望获得优势,也因为这样所以有些人会使用像类固醇、安非他明或被软木塞住的棒。It is all about getting an edge, which is why guys use things like steroids, amphetamines, or corked bats.

为此,在伊利诺斯大学艾伦·内森的领导下,物理学家们在恒定条件下对用软木填充的球棒进行了测试。So physicists led by the University of Illinois's Alan Nathan tested corked bats under controlled conditions.

罗密欧成了个胖胖的老绅士,两条眉毛拧在一处,声音嘶哑而又凄惨,体形像个啤酒桶。Romeo was a stout elderly gentleman, with corked eyebrows, a Husky tragedy voice, and a figure like a beer-barrel.

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他好像觉得,多亏这副软木炭画的胡子,今天他才首次充分地认识她了。It seemed to him as though to-day, for the first time, he had, thanks to that corked moustache, seen her fully as she was.

他曾在毛绒玩具熊肚子里生活了两周,被埋在一块岩石下八天,还曾呆在一个巨大的软木塞瓶里沿着法国罗纳河漂流。He once spent a fortnight inside a stuffed bear, was buried under a rock for eight days and navigated France's Rhone river inside a giant corked bottle.

在酒入口之前,先深深在酒杯里嗅一下是一般人喝红酒的做法,而真正懂的酒的人在品酒后一定会闻酒塞。Generally, before drinking, drinkers will smell the red wine in the cup. But a wine connoisseur is sure to smell its corked flavor after tasting the wine.