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他总拿他的大肚子开玩笑。He always kids him about his paunch.

他吃完甜点,拍了拍他的大肚子。He finished his dessert and patted his paunch.

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一个肚子肿胀的病人正躺在床上。A patient was lying on bed and suffering from a bulgy paunch.

应当为瘤胃内含物提供合适的处置设施。Suitable disposal facilities for paunch contents shall be available.

但是制作人选择忽略他的啤酒肚并且角色是他的。But the producers opted to ignore his beer paunch and the part was his.

与膘厚、腹围呈极显著负遗传相关。The genetic correlations of body length and fat thickness, paunch girth are negative.

中将一直是个脸膛红润的矮胖子,现在却憔悴得厉害,过去的大肚皮瘦得只剩松弛打摺的难看皮囊。He was a short, florid man, normally very fat, now very thin, the skin of his paunch hanging slackly in folds.

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一但一个食人魔出生的时候没有硕大的肚子,他就会被丢弃到那种裂开、呈锯齿状的黑暗凹坑中。When an Ogre is born without a paunch , it is thrown down into a gaping, jagged pit that leads to the darkness below.

在此之前,人得到熊胆的惟一办法就是剖腹取胆,一命换一胆。Prior to this, the only way to get bear gallbladder was to paunch the bear and get the gallbladder, resulting in the loss of bear lives.

粪肥、瘤胃和内脏应当以适当方式予以处置,不要在注册屠宰场的场地造成不必要的卫生问题。Manure, paunch and viscera contents shall be disposed of in a manner which will not create a sanitary problem on the premises of the registered slaughter establishment.

OSAHS诊断依据体征多数患者有不同程度的肥胖,颈项粗短,腹部膨隆,颈围、腹围增加。The OSAHS diagnosis has the varying degree obesity based on the symptom most patients, the neck is stubby, the abdomen swollens prosperously, the neck encircles, the girth of paunch to increase.