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报纸就是平常的四页纸。The Gazette was an ordinary four-page sheet.

总督得于宪报公布命令,修改附表。The Governor may by order published in the Gazette amend the Schedule.

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在钓鱼的报中是,但是在某种程度上再写。Were in the Fishing Gazette , but have been to some extent re- written.

“于是我用谷歌搜索”罗兹先生告诉伍斯特电讯公报。Then I Googled it, " Mr Lozier told the Worcester Telegram and Gazette."

利迪娅回过来看一直在读的当地政府公报上的那篇文章。Lydia looked back down at the piece she had been reading in the local gazette.

你可以在AKC公报上读到一些被建议过的变化,从而进一步证实这个事实。Just read the proposed changes in the AKC Gazette to assure yourself of this fact.

在他这次怪异的抢劫之前,59岁的万隆给加斯顿公报写了封信。Before his peculiarly modest robbery, Verone, 59, sent a letter to the Gaston Gazette.

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总督可借宪报命令修订本条例任何附表。The Governor may by order published in the Gazette amend any Schedule to this Ordinance.

电車的载客量是宪报刊登的名义上數字。The passenger carrying capacity of a tramcar is nominal figure listed in gazette schedules.

我们记得,当时还没有地方法院公报。It must be remembered, that at that epoch the Gazette des Tribunaux was not yet in existence.

本法令必须由部长在「宪报」发表通告指定的一个日期起实施。This Act comes into operation on a date to be appointed by the Minister by notification in the Gazette.

有关铁路方案的建议详情,请参阅宪报内容或浏览路政署网页。For details of the proposed railway scheme, please refer to gazette scheme or visit Highways Department website.

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该国新闻部声称,这一决议在政府公报上发表时将会正式生效。The state news agency said the move would officially come into force when it was published in the government gazette.

每日纪闻在一定程度上填补了现代报纸一类出版物和政府公报的职能。The Acta Diurna to some extent filled the place of the modern newspaper-type publication and of the government gazette.

因此,既然雇用了主编,G可以期望第一次成为一个盈利的企业。Therefore, the Gazette can expect to become a profitable enterprise for the first time since the editor-in-chief was hired.

撤回专利申请的声明应当在以后出版的专利公报上予以公告。However, the declaration to withdraw an application for a patent shall be announced on the subsequently published Patent Gazette.

惟在出现经宪报刊登的情况,并提出申请后,则可获考虑退款。Payment is non-refundable except in those circumstances published in the gazette where refund may be considered upon application.

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2004年,加拿大曾有相同提案,但最终撤销,没有在加拿大政府法令公告中发布。Similar amendment was proposed in 2004, however, the proposal was ultimately withdrawn and was not published in the Canada Gazette.

上述经宪报刊登的退款情况并非一项自动安排,要求退款人士须经申请及批核程序。The refund under the circumstances published in the gazette will not be automatic but subject to an application and approval process.

沙佛告诉陶顿每日公报由于需要招聘的公司少了,所以该项目也无法筹集到足够的钱,为招聘会做广告。Shafer tells the Taunton Daily Gazette the lack of employers means the task force won't have enough money to properly advertise the fair.