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家庭关系使她在政治上获得了初步的立脚点。Family connections gave her a toehold in politics.

在中国获得钢铁生产的立足之地困难重重。Getting a production toehold in China has been frustrating.

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巴基斯坦人不能允许激进分子在那里有一个真正的立足之地。They cannot allow these guys to have a real toehold in that area.

这家公司急于在北美市场找到一个立脚点。The firm is anxious to gain a toehold in the North American market.

在厨房餐具市场立足甚至占有一席之位是很难。It was difficult to get even a toehold in the kitchen dinnerware market.

找到一个小的指点,迈出一小步,或者采取小的行动,再看结果怎样。Get a toehold. Take one small step or action forward and test the result.

在刺骨的两极地带和有毒废物中,生命也找到了立足之境。It has even found a toehold in the frigid polar regions and in toxic dumps.

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澳大利亚的弗雷泽岛上,开拓性的植物在海岸沙丘的潮水界线以外生根立足。Pioneering plants get a toehold above the tide line on Australia's Fraser Island.

如果能够在项目计划中找到立足点,则可以在设计中融入前瞻思想。If you can muster a toehold in the project plan, be forward-looking in your designs.

的确,谷歌想在笔记本和智能手机市场有所涉足,特别是以牺牲微软为代价。Yes, Google would love to get a toehold in the netbook and smart-phone markets, especially at Microsoft’s expense.

也有一部分移民来自其他地区,如保加利亚、罗马尼亚、摩尔多瓦、乌克兰、格鲁吉亚和俄罗斯等地,虽然为数不多,但在希腊也有他们的立足之地。Smaller numbers of Bulgarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Ukrainians, Georgians and Russians also have a toehold in Greece.

在以上作为假设的立足点后,Lazar先生现在则要进入到他父亲的思维通道中去了。Having thus established his toehold in the realm of presumption, Mr. Lazar now goes on to funnel thoughts into the mind of his own father.

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甚至谣传说,他在华尔街也有一个立足点,自从家族战争爆发以来,他一直用金钱和幕后活动支持塔塔格里亚家族。He was even rumored to have a toehold in Wall Street. He had supported the Tattaglia Family with money and influence since the start of the war.

20世纪下半叶,随着南方地区逐渐变得工业化,原本在农场里辛勤劳作的贫穷的阿拉巴马人得以勉强跻身中产阶级之列。As the South industrialized in the second half of the 20th century, poor Alabamians who once toiled on farms were able to secure a toehold in the middle class.

因此,有可能是太阳破坏了右旋氨基酸,在镜像生命还未能立足于地球时,就掐断了它的原材料供应。So it’s possible that the sun destroyed the wrong-handed amino acids, denying mirror life its construction materials before it could get a toehold on this planet.

欢迎来到三沙市——这里是中国在世界争议最大的海域里不断扩大的立足点,越南、菲律宾和其他邻国也对其中的部分地区声张主权。Welcome to Sansha, China's expanding toehold in the world's most disputed waters, portions of which are also claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines and other neighbours.

最后,盟国取得了微小的立锥之地,在随后的几个星期,艰难地进一步扩大地盘,最终导致纳粹在西边的失利。By the end of the day, the Allies had achieved a tenuous toehold that would be laboriously expanded over the next weeks and would lead ultimately to the Nazi defeat in the West.

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更重要的是,一旦生命的某个变体在那里某处有了立锥之地,生来固有造化本性的生命就会着手改变环境直到它适合其他物种的生存。But more importantly, once one variety of life has a toehold in a place, the inherently transforming nature of life modifies the environment until it is fit for other species of life.

已在欧洲大陆立足的巴基斯坦人马利克和阿布多,在巴塞罗那的街角贩卖电话卡,并在西班牙闷热的夏天睡在一个八人合住的房间里。Malik and Abdul are Pakistanis who, having gained a toehold on the European mainland, sell phone cards on Barcelona street corners and sleep eight to a room in the stuffy Spanish summer.

各种珊瑚的发展极大地得益于海洋火山,如苏拉威西岛东北端附近的万鸦老图阿。The development of reefs owes much to oceanic volcanoes such as Manado Tua, near the northeastern tip of Sulawesi. The submerged slopes of the volcanoes give corals a toehold on which to grow.