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一堆奥修种子。A pile of Ashur seeds.

一堆灰色块状物。A pile of gray nuggets.

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按照日期为每叠票据排序。Sort each pile by date.

一堆银白色的鱼。a silvery pile of fish.

试试那些顶级的股票吧。Try the top of the pile.

全套管基桩?。All casing concrete pile?

帮我把这些书堆起来。Help me pile these books.

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我摔倒在蚂蚁窝上。I fell back in the ant pile.

记住,永远不要让你的文件堆积起来。Don’t let your filing pile up.

他正抱着一堆书。He is hugging a pile of books.

把一坨大便泡在福尔马林里。Dip a pile of shit in Formalin.

汽车撞到了桩子上。The car crashed against a pile.

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他枕在一堆书上。The pile of books toppled down.

是一饔银光闪闪的白银啊!This is a pile of shinny silver!

她撞在一个大雪堆上停了下来。She landed in a big pile of snow.

沈檀半爇髻堆鸦。Shen Tan bun half burn pile crow.

他们从四面八方向我压过来。They pile into me from all sides.

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或许你是从粪堆那儿来的。Maybe you come from a manure pile.

他双臂抱了一摞书。He had a pile of books in his arms.

慢慢地,钱凑齐了。Slowly, the money began to pile up.