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印度是人口高度密集的国家之一。India is one of the countries that has great denseness in population.

印度是人口高度密集的国家之一。India is one of the countries that have great denseness in population.

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房地产业是一个非常典型的资本密集型行业。Real estate industry is one of the typical capital denseness industries.

杨国强画中人物形单影只,让人深感孤独,从而向往密集。The solitary figures in Yang's paintings make people feel lonely but yearn for denseness.

它稠密、多产、肥沃,与当地稀疏、贫瘠的土壤形成鲜明的对比。It's denseness prolificacy fertility make a sharp contrast with the sparse and poor native soil.

提出一种基于数字图像处理的射击密集度检测的新方法。A new kind of system for fire denseness based on digital image processing technique was designed.

房地产业是一个对资金需求量非常大的行业,属于资金密集型行业。The real estate industry has the Characteristic of capital denseness and requires considerable investment.

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其中蛇笼架孔,本厂采用专用冲孔模具设备冲孔,集密性佳。Among our products, the hole of pipelining, produced with special punch mold, has a good quality of denseness.

如此高的骨密度使tweety鸟的骨头能够出奇的强壮和坚硬,这种良好的结构特征适合于飞行。That denseness makes Tweety’s thin little bones surprisingly strong and stiff, good structural features for flight.

货物中转库空间大,内部堆放货物密集,在消防设计中具有一定的复杂性和特殊性。The fire control design of cargo transferring storeroom is complex and special for large space and denseness goods.

其主要特征表现为形式多样化、布密集化、能全面化、果鲜明化。It has characteristics of variations of form, denseness of distribution, all-sided functions and trenchancy of effect.

此外,亦发现部分添加波索兰材料能够增加微观结构的致密性,有助于降低电渗量。The samples with slag make a contribution to the denseness of microstructure and reduce the chloride electrical permeability.

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该项目位于廊坊市行政区、商业区的中心地带,是廊坊居民最密集、商业最繁荣的地区。It locates in Langfang administration and shopping center, and is an area of the best denseness and the best flourish in Langfang.

该区交通方便,公路、铁路网络密集,是东北交通运输的重要枢纽。The area is convenient traffic and web denseness of highway and railway. That's important hinge of northeast transportation software.

在此时期中,由于盐品市场的开放,台湾盐业开始进入盐品多样化的时代,但也在全球化的分工体系下,转型为技术密集性的工业。In non-tax system period , because of the opening of the salt products market , the salt industry turns to technical denseness industry.

新经济时代已由传统的劳动密集、技术密集、资本密集演进到品牌与知识密集。New Economic Age has developed into brand and knowledge denseness from labor force denseness, technology denseness and capital denseness.

经典的分枝切割相位解缠方法在残差点分布密集、分布范围较广的情况下形成分枝切割线所需时间较长。The demerit of the classical branch-cut phase unwrapping method was in the condition of the branch-cut of residues distributing denseness.

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学校外有很多可以利用的资源供我们使用,但主要问题是他们的商业性质比较浓厚。There are a lot of resources supplied for us outside university, but the main problem is that the economic characteristic of them are denseness.

高技术产业无疑是知识高度密集的代表产业,世界各国无不把高技术产业摆在日益突出的战略地位来大力发展。Undoubtedly, high-tech industry is a typical industry of knowledge denseness. And all countries all put it into a dominant stratagem position and develop it greatly.

而且多数尾矿库的地理位置十分重要,选址时很难避开生态敏感区或人口密集区。Moreover, the geographical location of most tailing reservoirs is very important. It is very difficult for tailing sites to avoid ecology sensitive and population denseness district.