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因为我不够放得开。Because I not enough to liberalization.

贸易自由化是经济增长的发动机。Trade liberalization is the engine of economic growth.

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新一轮的贸易自由化将如何帮助贫困国家呢?How would a new round of trade liberalization help poor countries?

自由贸易和经济发展,是我们作为世贸成员的恒常目标。Trade liberalization and economic growth is a permanent goal for all of us as WTO Members.

穆塔里卡对国际捐赠团体的经济自由化政策提出了批评。Mr. Mutharika criticized the economic liberalization policies of international donor groups.

贸易自由化被视为发展中国家致富的必由之路。Trade liberalization was put forward as a sure route to prosperity for developing countries.

第一,坚定立场,积极推动贸易和投资自由化便利化。First, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation with strong determination.

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贸易与投资自由化及便利化将继续是亚太经合组织的核心目标。Trade and investment liberalization and facilitation will continue to be APEC’s core objective.

经历自由化及随后的腾飞之后,印度已成长为一个知识型经济体。After liberalization and the economy's subsequent bull run, India has grown as a knowledge economy.

在一个全面的灾难性尝试在1988年价格自由化的一个很好的例子。The disastrous attempt at an across-the-board price liberalization in 1988 is a good case in point.

贸易自由化和全球化的理论坚持认为,这是不足为虑的。The theory of trade liberalization and globalization maintains that there is little to worry about.

对搞资产阶级自由化并且触犯了刑律的人,不严肃处理是不行的。Those exponents of bourgeois liberalization who have violated state law must be dealt with severely.

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北京还停止了改革头二十年期间所进行的价格自由化。Beijing has also halted progress in price liberalization made during the first two decades of reform.

这种“自由化”进程走的是包括各国涉外经济立法与国际层面经济立法的复数路径。What is more, the liberalization is embodied in the legislation at domestic and international levels.

在亚洲和非洲,虽然自由化和民主化发展不一,但也确实取得了发展。In Asia and Africa, liberalization and democratization have been more irregular but nevertheless real.

于是富国受保护的农场主展开游说,反对该部门的贸易自由化。Of course, the protected farmers in the rich countries lobby against trade liberalization in their sectors.

中美贸易失衡与全球服务贸易和商品贸易在自由化进程上的非对称性紧密联系在一起。The Sino-US trade imbalance impinges on the asymmetry of global trade liberalization in services and goods.

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这将扭转最近值得赞誉的旨在鼓励更有效利用资源的价格自由化之举。This would reverse admirable recent price liberalization designed to encourage more efficient resource use.

迈入21世纪金融自由化、全球化的时代,金融服务种类益趋多样化。With the liberalization and globalization in the 21 century, the financial services have become diversified.

自目前的中共领导人掌权以来,新鲜的、以市场为导向的自由化变得次要。Since the present Communist Party leadership took power, fresh market-oriented liberalization has been minor.